Oct 31, 2006 09:07
So it's Halloween in London and it's really not THAT big of a deal here. Like people dress up a bit, but it's mostly just parties and stuff the weekend before. I was thinking about pulling out the ye old Monica Lewinski costume (since she went to LSE and all!!) but I realized that I don't have a barret or long hair anymore, so i'd just look like someone in a bad intern outfit. or something. that didn't even make sense.
I have CRAZY AMOUNTS OF WORK in the next couple of weeks. Which I knew I would but still, I'm a little stressed. Two papers due next week, one the week after, a presentation the week after, another the week after that, and then two again in the final week of term. It's managable because they're spread out, but it's hard just keeping up with all the readings that I have to do, let alone research and prepare all these essays. But hey, that's what Grad School is all about right!? I've already gotten most of the research done for one, which is a policy review of the UN Security Council's decision to put a weapons embargo on Yugoslavia and then continue the embargo even after Bosnia became independent and actually needed the weapons for their own defense against the serbs. Basically a policy with good intentions that actually blew up in everyone's face. That's what I'm doing. The other essay is for my History of European Integration class, and I'm basically just saying that Europe was more economically integrated before WWI then it would be until about the 1960's. Not my own idea, obviously, but it's an easy question to tackle. I'm boring you aren't I?
Anyways, things are going well here. I'm already starting to reseach NYC New Years festivities to plan with Kate and Ash. Should be fun. I'm sad that I won't be home for my mom's attempt at doing a 'Soul Food' thanksgiving (at Kate's request of course), but I'll try and make some veg food here and not get too bogged down by work.