Sep 06, 2007 22:53
For the past ... seven hours now I've been setting up our new computer. Five of that has been getting it to network with Kiyoshi. Yeah, Vista isn't making a good first impression.
I finally had to map it by the ip adress itself, but even that kinda sucks, because none of the stuff in our house is set to use static ip adresses. And MY GOD. They weren't auto negotiating properly even once it was set up, so Riven kept hanging and freezing. I thought I was going to have to move everything with a 30mb flash drive (the only one immediately at hand.)
Confirming and reconfirming every action I take isn't exactly putting it on my good side either.
Any guesses why I called it Riven? Because it was prompting me for a name and RIVEN THE SEQUAL TO MYST is one of the games collecting dust on the desk shelf.