(no subject)

Apr 07, 2006 10:37

Three weeks in a row now I have managed to break chemistry. Yes, you read that correctly, I broke chemistry. Results so mysterious that the laws governing normal chemical processes must be broken, for rules are made to be broken after all. The first two weeks, I just added one solution to the other and nothing happened when everyone else's turned red, and yesterday I refilled my NaOH Buret and it all turned pink. I still don't know how phenolthalein got in there without it getting on any of my other equipment or gloves. If my gloves had turned pink too, OK, perfectly understandable; I certainly dripped a hell of a lot of the NaOH all over the workstation earlier. ...But there was no phenolpthalein spilled anywere. You've got to be damn carefull with that stuff, it will never be completely cleaned up.


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