Jan 12, 2005 09:37
Part 1: The You Side -- Basic and Not-So-Basic Info
1. Full Name: Rita Ann Brigid MacGilvray
2. Birthdate: June 18th, 1985
3. Age: 19
4. Sex: Female
5. Location: Whitman, MA
7. Parents' Names: Kathleen and Edward
8. Siblings: Sean and Craig
9. Do they look like you? sometimes.
10. Pets: Blackie, fluffy, and scratchy.
11. Nicknames: Motherfucker, Bitch, anus, etc.
12. Zodiac Sign: gemini
13. Height: 5'9"
14. Weight: why do people ask that.
15. Eye Color: Blue/green/gray
16. Hair Color: brown.
17. Bellybutton -- innie or outie? Innie!
18. Any piercings, and if so, where? ears.
19. Righty/Lefty/Ambidextrous: Right-handed
20. Screen Names: Rita61813 only one i use at the moment
Part 2: Favorites (or Not)
1. TV Show: too many
2. Movie: Too many.
3. Quote: too many.........
4. Sound: laughter.
5. Word: cranky:-p
6. Place: any where with friends
7. Flower: orange rose
8. Shape: Star
9. Type of Music: hip hop punk emo rock
10. Color: Black and Pink
11. Perfume: love spell
12. Smell: Same as above, oh, and food.<~ taras answer works
13. Day of the Week: Friday
14. Number: 13
15. Month: December
16. Season: spring
17. Board Game: monopoly
18. Food: Anything Italian, pizza.
19. Cookie: choc. chip
20. Ice Cream: chippety chocolate
21. Candy Bar: hershey
22. Salad Dressing: ceasar
23. Channel: MTV.
24. Shampoo/Conditioner: Anything
25. Toothpaste: kids crest.
26. Subject: last semester was sociology and now its who knows
27. Least Favorite Subject: chem.
28. Thing to Drink: Diet Pepsi
29. Snapple: snapple apple and 1/2 lemonade and 1/2 iced tea.
30. Thing to Do On the Weekend: sleep. and hang out with my homies.
31. Singer/Group: to many
32. Song: Right now boulavard of broken dreams
33. Sport: football and Tennis.
34. Website: www.thedilly.com
35. Relatives: sean and nicole
36. Holiday: Christmas
Part 3: Friends
1. Best Friend(s): Tara, Sara, jill, and Andy too.
2. Person Who Knows the Most About You: Tara
3. Craziest/Silliest Person: Tara
5. Loudest: Tara
6. Gives the Best Advice: Tara
7. Cutest: all
8. Stupidest: me
9. Best At Keeping Secrets: who knows..
10. Weirdest: Me
11. Most Hyper: tara
12. Quietest: Sara
13. Coolest: all
14. Smartest: tara.
15. Ugliest: Me.
16. The One You Have, But Wish You Didn't: none
17. Favorite Friend(s) to Hang With: All of them
18. Who do you have the most fun with? all
19. Who can you do nothing with and STILL have fun? all of em.
20. Who have you dreamed about? all...
21. Nicest Guy You've Ever Met: Andy
22. Nicest Girl You've Ever Met: who knows lol jp
23. Do you like the person who sent this to you? stolen from tara so yes.
Part 4: The Right Now Side
1. Date: January 12, 2005
2. What color pants do you have on right now? Blue with ducks
3. What song/group are you listening to right now? Breaking Benjamin-polyamourus
4. What was the last CD/tape you bought? bought? idk.
5. What was the last thing you said outloud? hello?
6. What is right next to you? tv and diet pepso.
7. What color is your phone? goldish
8. Do you have a pager? No
9. What's on your computer screen right now? This survey
10. What's on your mouse pad? computer center of hanover
11. How's the weather right now? Too cold. snowing
Part 5: When/Who/What Was...
1. The last person you talked to on the phone? idk.. andy yesterday?
2. The last thing you saw on TV? watching spin city
3. The last time you read a book? too long ago
4. The last time you danced? idk
5. The last time you got a real letter? way too long ago someone should send me one
6. The last time you exercised? yesterday
7. The last time you cried? yesterday when i thought i was going to break my neck
8. The last time you watched Star Wars? 2 years ago?
9. The last time you watched Bambi? Not long enough to forget it.
10. The last time you hit someone? Yesterday
11. The last time you laughed? today
12. The best thing that happened to you today? i slept past 9
14. The first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? can i sleep more?.
6: The Crush Side
1. Who is your crush? dont have one at the moment
2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? no
3. If you could go out with anyone in the world, who? good question.
4. Do you have a crush on someone famous, and if so, who? not really...
5. For GIRLS -- do you like guys with or without hats? Both.
6. For GUYS -- do you like girls with or without nail polish? ...
7. On a scale from 1-10 (1 = lowest), how romantic are you? Right now? 1. But I can be a 10.
8. What is your opposite sex? Male
9. When you meet a person of your preferred sex, you first notice their: Eyes
10. Who was your first crush? John mahoney kindergarten LoL.
11. Have you ever been in love? nope
12. Who do you want to marry? dunno
13. What things do you find attractive in a member of the opposite sex? Eyes
Part 7: The Past Side
1. What do you remember most about this year? Lots of stress and fun.
2. What did you do yesterday? gym, errands, picked up garrett, hung out with mah gurls, etc..
3. Were you "cool" 5 years ago? Not at all.
4. Does it make you sad to know that you can never go back in time? Extremely.
5. If you could go back in time, would you, and where would you go? I wouldnt i dont want to go through this hell again
6. Which memory (thing) do you miss the most? idk.
7. Which memory would you like to forget? fights.
Part 8: Have You Ever...
1. Cheated on a test? yes.
2. Played strip poker? No
3. Ran away from home? No.
4. Broken a bone? No.
5. Broken the law? Yes.
6. Had a medical emergency? like one.
7. Had sex? no
8. Smoked? Yes
9. Drank (alcohol)? Yes
10. Been caught skinny-dipping? Not caught.
11. Been convicted of a crime? no, but I had a few close calls when people tried to sue me for harrassment, Fucking bullshit immaturity.
12. Been on a plane? Yes
13. Cried in public? Yes
14. Climbed a tree? Yes
15. Fell asleep in a movie theatre? yes.
16. Met a celebrity? Simple Plan, and idk what else.
17. Met the president? I wouldnt want to.
18. Been scared to get shot? ya
19. Gotten a cavity? Yes
20. Shopped at Abercombie & Fitch? Never.
21. Skipped school? no.
22. Gone to a theme park and checked out all the cute girls/guys? Not for that purpose, no.
23. Helped an elderly person cross the street? Yup.
24. Gotten up and danced when you visited a dancing webpage? Uh. No.
25. Been in a physical fight, and if so, who won? A few. idk.
26. Thrown a solid object at a moving vehicle? Yes.
27. Experienced stomach illness in Mexico? No..
Part 11: The Future Side
1. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully alive, sane, and married with a kid and working my dream job
2. Future Son's Names: john?
3. Future Daughter's Names: keira
4. Do you even want kids? Yes
5. If so, how many? 2 or 3
6. If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be? not exactly sure
7. What is your dream car? 2005 honda accord
8. Where do you plan on living after getting out of school? Around here
9. At what age do you want to get married? 25 or 26
10. If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be? darker brown
11. If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be? Shamrock and idk where
Part 12: The Feelings Side
1. Do you believe in yourself? sometimes.
2. Worst Feeling In the World: Loneliness
3. Best Feeling In the World: togetherness.
4. Are you for world peace? Yes
5. What religion are you? Catholic
6. What is one thing you'd like to change about yourself? My annoying ness.
7. What makes you happiest? Sleeping.
8. What makes you saddest? having noone.
Part 13: Which do you prefer?
1. Be serious or be funny? funny
2. GUYS -- boxers or briefs? boxers
3. Single or taken? Taken but never had it
4. Read or write? write
5. Pen or pencil? Pen
6. GREY or GRAY? Gray
7. Color or black and white? Black and white
8. Sunrise or sunset? sunset
9. Rap or rock? Rock
10. Stay up late or wake up early? Stay up late
11. Sex or shag? sex
12. Is it POP or SODA? tonic
13. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The chicken
14. Tall or short? tall
15. Sun or moon? sun
16. Pants or skirt? pants
17. Left or right? right
18. 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? one best friend
19. Ponytail or leave it down? bun
20. Kids or no kids? kids
21. Cat or dog? dog
22. Half-empty or half-full? half-full
23. Mustard or ketchup? ketchup
24. Hardcover or softcover? soft
25. Newspaper or magazine? magazine
26. Sandals or sneakers? sneakers
27. N*Sync or BSB? Neither.
28. Adidas, Nike, or Reebok? Adidas
29. Peanut butter or jelly? Jelly
30. Coke or Pepsi? DIET pepsi!
31. Matt Damon or Ben Affleck? Neither..
32. MTV or VH1? MTV
33. Apples or oranges? orange
34. Vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla
35. Flowers or candy? flowers
36. Dawson's Creek or Felicity? Dawson
37. Romantic, comedy, or horror? comedy
38. TV or radio? radio
39. Fries -- Burger King's or McDonald's? Wendy's
40. Salt or pepper? Neither
41. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons
42. Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? Hot chocolate
43. Perfect lover or perfect friend? perfect lover
44. Sweet or sour? sweet
45. Root beer or Dr. Pepper? root beer
46. Tea or coffee? tea
47. Ocean or pool? pool
48. Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheesier? Cooler Ranch
49. Mud or Jell-O wrestling? jell-o
50. With or without ice cubes? with
51. Rain or shine? shine
52. Top or bottom? Bottom.
53. Skiing or snowboarding? skiing.
54. Biking or blading? biking
55. Cake or cookies? cookies
56. Cereal or toast? cereal
57. Night or day? night
58. Gloves or mittens? gloves
59. Dressed or undressed? dressed
60. Eyes open or closed? closed
61. Fly or breath underwater? Breath
62. Bunkbed or waterbed? bunkbed
63. Chewing gum or hard candy? gum
64. Motorboat or sailboat? motor
65. Lights on or off? off
66. To call or be called? be called
67. Make plans or go along with them? Go along with them
and im done