This is NOT a religious journal but...

May 13, 2008 23:45

I'll let myself rant again.

Ok, what is with people and not wanting to help the Church. I asked a person so donate and she was like: I don't help the Church. I get you think we are corrupted and blah blah blah... you could have just say no!

ASDFGHJKLÑ -_- People act like we are gonna waste all of their money. HELLO! We do make good deeds and we DO HELP PEOPLE.

I'm sorry that just got me real mad. -_- I'm sick and tired of people going: oh I don't believe in the Church. HELLO! All the Catholics are the Church.

If the "normal" people believe and make good deeds then it's ok. The Pope and so on are there to help us. But WE are the one who really make the Church. What good would it be if only the priests would be the Church and only they would count. But of courseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, if a priest does something wrong then, NOOOOOOOO the Church is corrupted and so on, but if a regular Catholic does something good, they don't say anything about the Church.

-_- Anyway, seriously, she could have just say "no" and not go all "I think the Church is corrupted because I'm so great that I don't believe in it. I see the truth, you don't". That people make me go ASFDJHYFGJOLUIOLHKG. -_-

mad, church, pissed of, rant

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