this site, An English Major's Money, that I stumbled upon in an article about starting a Roth IRA made me really wish I was more with it financially. I mean, my college loans are under control (ie, they are being paid on a regular and reasonable basis, though I wish I could afford to pay them off in bigger chunks), I've got a reasonable sum saved in regular savings account, I'm planning (or rather, I've been planning, since *November*) on enrolling in Winsor's retirement plan, which they will match starting august - but I really spend money unchecked and am not saving as much as I should be. Which I really think about come the end of the month when that rent check is due!!
In other news, I successfully navigated my first experience with New Buddy Scott's** Scary Parents. Scary Parents gets to be capitalized, b/c that's how big a deal they are. they are scary enough to warrant capital letters. Well, at least they were going into the weekend. I had managed to thoroughly psych myself out (nearly to the point of tears at one point, "TURN THE CAR AROUND! TAKE ME HOME!" to which Scott responds, "then they really WILL dislike you!" - dear pms, you make me pretty pathetic, and sometimes make me want to die, love, L.) thanks to rumors I'd heard about their response to Scott's girlfriends and my limited experience with them in the past. But after a fairly easy lunch out, I realized I'd been completely ridiculous - they're great! and have fantastic maine-esque accents. and they took me STRAWBERRY PICKING. Hello, how can anyone who takes you strawberry picking not be totally awesome!? This isnt to say it wasnt totally awkward, it was at times, but it wasnt nearly as nerve inducing as I was making it out to be. Hurray! We'll have to squeeze in at least one more weekend of getting to know you activities before Lobster Stew Day at the end of the summer - whatever the shit THAT is (something to do with food and lots of extended family)!!
I've also undertaken starting to study for the dreaded GRE with Scott, my roommate and a couple of friends from high school who will be seniors at Northeastern in the fall, Ethan and Kellie. We've started weekly dinners for vocab learning/review, and managed to successfully learn 45 words last week - my favorite word being numismatics (if you DON'T know it, please take a moment to think about it and come up with your own definition before looking it up, it will make the whole activity delightfully absurd).
Summer hours and the intense lack of motivation that come with them have kicked in here at The Fancy All Girl's School, as has the hunger that comes with NO MORE FREE LUNCHES UNTIL WHEN!?! UNTIL SEPTEMBER?! SERIOUSLY!? Thank goodness there is so much food in the neighborhood, which sort of brings us full circle to the first topic of this entry, wreckless/thoughtless spending - buying lunch every day all week b/c I forgot to bring the lunch I packed last night! oyve!
**that's my case you were wondering SLASH out of the loop - easy to imagine since I haven't exactly been updating lately.