Mar 23, 2007 10:34
today hasn't really started yet, that's why it's still day seven!
yesterday my mom picked camden and andrew and I up at Bob's (camden's dad's) place of employment in lisbon falls, and we decided to take route one home, so that we could do crazy shit things like drive around wisacasset! and eat at moodey's diner. and have pie. and look at the ocean. it was a LONG DRIVE. by the end the boys were worn out, and I was getting crabby. and mom was getting crabby and tired of driving. thank god it was over. we got to pick up helen, the child sister, at school. adn today she is on a field trip at SERC - SCCHOOOOOODDDIIICCCC - so we will go there later to pick her up.
andrew and I went for a walk last night, and mom made a delicious thing for dinner with eggplants and mushrooms and cheeses. it was yummy. and then, we watched james bond and went to bed (sort of) early. thank god!
I dont want to go back to school, but I am excited about indian food on sunday night.
ps GABI COMES TONIGHT WOOOOOOWWWHOOOO. or tomorrow! which is just as exciting, just not as soon!
pps charlie? where is he? and my dog is super cute.