Dec 03, 2006 14:13
someone, please tell me why I cant work.
today I need to write my spanish draft. and my soan thesis. and read 45 pages of a book for JoAnn.
it's a disastor, me and school.
we're breaking up.
it's so over between us.
in other news, our concert was last night and that went well, I think.
Emily is totally flipping out, and that's hard for me, because 1) I feel responsible, and 2) I am fustrated because it doesnt feel like there is anythign I can do. everything I do is wrong.
particularly hanging with camnden, but that's something I've always done, and now that we're getting along fine, it's something important to me.
I feel like she's frustrated that she cant have that relationship with me.
well, at the end of last semester I was ready to let go of that relationship and the "friendship" that formed after to be involved with emily. but when she couldnt decide, and we were having all the trouble communicating Camden and I started for real getting along, nad started wanting to be be friends again, and she missed the window. and I feel crappy, but there is nothing I can do about that.
I visit, I try to let her know i care about her and I value her friendship. what the shit else I am supposed to do!?!
heh, last night I had a dream about pot pizza. it was increadible. I had a pizza place and we had special customers.
mmm. that was neat.
off to hot cocoa and homework doing? we hope (on the homework end, i mean).
the (platonic) love of my life,