it might just happen

Nov 13, 2006 14:08

as I'm looking at this week, what might be one of the scariest of my college career, I cant help but thinking that I might just be able to pull it off.
I've got a presentation to put together for senior seminar (so/an) by weds at two thirty, but I've also got a bunch of completed surveys and hopefully some potential interviewees to meet with before then. and my spanish thesis draft (ten pages of it anyways) is due friday, which is a little scary, but ten pages isnt twenty five pages so it's not as scary as it oculd be and theoretically after weds at five thirty I can switch gears and devote the evening and all of thursday to that....
and then, its just a push and shove and few late nights till the end of the semester, and all is well.

I am thinking of taking an incomplete in senior seminar (soan) and doing more research over the few weeks before break, and taking the first week or so of my xmas to write the project. we'll see. I've got to talk to my professors after the presentation....

maybe I'll graduate after all.
and maybe after all this is over I'll feel good about the double major, not like I do right now, like it's the worst idea anyone ever is, isnt it?

I'm feeling a little at odds with the (platonic) love of my life, I wish I understood what her deal was right now, I realize that maybe she feels like I'm more over the whole situation than she is (I'm not, I am just a little more able to pretend that I am) -- but I dont understand what she wants to talk about/what there is to say about it all? maybe I'll find out! hmm. I bet it would be weird to switch to just calling her emily at this point, evne though we all know (even em, hi em!) who we're talking about....huh. maybe I'll try that next time....

I should get to class. maybe I can pass out some survey's before then!

the (platonic) love of my life, break, senior projects, school

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