Why Eito Concert didn't like that???

Dec 21, 2009 23:55

I want to make another sub but kurakura_chan told me 'just make another post, not just sub works' and I said 'Ok, I'll make another post

So this is my 'another post'  I keep complaining about this to kurakura_chan  since yesterday: Why Kanjani8 concert never as luxurious as another Johnny's group concert ?

I want to say ' megah' in my own language, and I don't know what exact phrase to say that in English but I thing Luxurious can replace it.

I just watch another Johnny's group concert, The one who just release their DVD concert, Their concert was extremely luxurious with moving stage and fireworks and flying people and super big screen

At the beginning I think every single Johnny's group concert are always like that. But then I think again 'Hei, there's no Eito Concert as luxurious as that concert'.  Right? There is no moving stage , no Flying people, no fireworks, no super large screen  at Eito concert. Why? Nande? Kenapa?

Just to comfort my self, I though it's because Eito doesn't need that, they are luxurious enough without that all thing, But it's not working!!!  It's not fair! it must be really beautiful if they get all of that! And it's really annoy me when I'm thinking about that

Once again: Why???? Can anyone tell me more reasonable answer? Please... 

another post

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