Jan 06, 2009 16:04
I've made the decision to help out the family and return to florida in a month or so. They've agreed to my terms and assures me that there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to start school in March. My uncle pretty much made it clear that he's on my side in making it happen. And pretty much the family made it clear that since i'm giving up my job that they'll pay me a wage for doing this that's comperible to regular home-care wages.
So Pretty much my homework will be to get my transcripts from Douglass somehow, as well as copies of my birth certifricate. Not to mention getting financial aid worked out. CAuse for the first two semesters--until residency kicks in after the first year--I'll be paying out-of-state tuition costs(about a grand for a class vs. just a couple hundred).
I also have about 3-grand in bonds, not including the interest, so I should be good for a little while. That's if I need to dig into any, cause i'll be doing finiancial aid as well.
There's still a few kinks to work out--as far as transportation and so on--but that can be worked on later down the line.
My flight out is tomorrow about 1 o' clock, so I should be home from the airport around 3 - 3:30-ish. So, Nichole, I'll probably call you when I get home to see if you wanna hang or something if that's cool and if I'm up for it and not tired, or if the weather isn't bad.