Aug 05, 2007 16:18
I've been introduced to Severus Snape.
I have discovered the deeper side to him, the side, that like so many others, I have chosen to ignore for quite some time. With DH, he made the leap to a semi-favorite character, as I discovered that he did have a deeper side, one that I found I rather liked. Now, I have stumbled across the journals of such users as nishizono and rackharrow, and Severus has quickly surpassed the Marauders, once my ultimate heart.
As usual, it is the amazing fanfiction that I am lucky enough to discover the leads my easily distracted affections from one character to another. With the help of Beedaily, the Marauders became my favorite. Now, Severus is the supreme leader inside this little mind, and those whom I previously worshiped have been put on the back burner. As soon as Mandi Lou finishes betaing my latest one shot, I will stop resisting the uncontrollable urge that I have to explore the deepest reaches of Severus Snape.
And no, that is not a sex joke.