20 Questions. Times 5.

Oct 28, 2007 13:51

100 questions thing snatched from

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
I don't have closet doors anymore, I took them out this summer.

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?
Yes. And I don't think I've used a single one. They're all sitting in the junk drawer of my dresser. :P

3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
Tucked in.

4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No. But I really want one of those signs that says "BUMP".

5. Do you like to use post-it notes?
I LOVE Post-it notes.

6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
Haha. Yes. Because I never have the money to buy anything even if I do have a coupon or discount.

7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
I think I'd rather be stung by bees and live to tell about it than be mauled to death by a bear.

8. Do you have freckles?
Yeah, but it's hard to see them sometimes.

9. Do you always smile for pictures?
Yes. And I'm usually smiling even when pictures aren't being taken.

10. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Stupidity, irrationality, and people claiming to be OCD to make an excuse for everything.

11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Sometimes, if I'm bored. i used to do it a lot, don't know why.

12. Have you ever peed in the woods?

13. What about pooped in the woods?
Ew. Don't think so.

14. Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?
Haha. Yes.

15. Do you chew your pens and pencils?
No, and it really bothers me when other people chew on my pens and pencils.

16. How many people have you slept with this week?
Um...do the stuffed animals on my bed count? :P

17. What size is your bed?

18. What is your song of the week?
"Hot Blooded" by Foreigner. Booth and Brennan dancing to it on Bones is like the reason I watch Bones. :P

19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Um...not too sure. Some guys, maybe, but a lot of guys, no.

20. Do you still watch cartoons?
Not really. Unless you count all my old Disney movies. But there aren't any good ones on TV anymore.

21. What's your least favorite movie?
I'm not sure. I don't really think about the movies I don't like, just the ones I do.

22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
If I told you, then I'd have to shoot you.

23. What do you drink with dinner?

24. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?

25. What is your favorite food?
Ice cream.

26. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Phantom of the Opera, Much Ado About Nothing, Pride & Prejudice, and Timeline.

27. Last person you kissed/kissed you?
*laughs hysterically* Oh, wait, you're serious?

28. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
Nope. Unless you count 4-H when I was in 3rd and 4th grade... o_O

29. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Yeah, right. When pigs fly, maybe.

30. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
Last month.

31. Can you change the oil in a car?
Ha. I don't even know where to put that little stick thing that props up the hood of the car. >_<

32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
Not yet. lol.

33. Ran out of gas?
Don't think so.

34. Favorite kind of sandwich?
Ham & American cheese, no mayo deli sandwich from Subway. Which, sadly, they don't have anymore. :(

35 Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Slim Fast meal shakes. :P

36. What is your usual bedtime?

37. Are you lazy?

38. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
A princess, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Laura Ingalls Wilder...and last year I dressed up as a goth. But we didn't go out. :P

39. What is your Chinese astrological sign?
Uh...horse? Don't really know, don't really care.

40. How many languages can you speak?
I can speak English and American.

41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?

42.Which are better: legos or lincoln logs?
Legos. Hands down.

43. Are you stubborn?

44. Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
I don't watch either.

45. Ever watch soap operas?
Only during the summer when we go to my grandparents' place. My grandma and I watch All My Children. And laugh at it. :P

46. Afraid of heights?
Not really.

47. Sing in the car?
I think the question is, when do I not sing in the car?

48. Dance in the shower?
I did once. And I almost slipped and fell. That put an end to that.

49. Dance in the car?
The steering wheel makes for some decent drums.

50. Ever used a gun?
Squirt gun...

51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
7th grade. Wait, no...we got a family picture taken last year for the church picture directory. :P

52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Yes. But musicals are by definition cheesy. Only in musicals can they dance and sing on shopping carts and pull it off. :P I love musicals.

53. Is Christmas stressful?
For some people, but I don't think so. I love Christmas.

54. Ever eat a pirogi?
A what?

55. Favorite type of fruit pie?

56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Author, author, dancer, author.

57. Do you believe in ghosts?
No, but CSI made me think Paul Melander was lurking in my basement and that the creepy helium-voice bunny-head guy came into the bathroom while I took a shower.

58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?

59. Take a vitamin daily?

60. Wear slippers?
Yes. They're cool purple fuzzy ones. I like them.

61. Wear a bath robe?
Yeah, it's purple and fuzzy. But doesn't really match the slippers. Thing is, I never wear it into or out of the shower.

62. What do you wear to bed?
pants/shorts and an old tshirt.

63. First concert?
Erin Bode.

64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
While I agree with Sugah that no matter where, Wal-Mart is ghetto, I pick Walmart. They actually have cute clothes. :P I like Target too but some stuff is just too trendy for me.

65. Nike or Adidas?
Neither...I have fake Sketchers and fake Converse. :P

66.Cheetos Or Fritos?
Cheetos, baby.

67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?

68. Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
je ne sais pas...

69. Ever take dance lessons?
Yeah. And I want to take ballroom dancing in college.

70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Not really...I just don't really want to marry a pastor. I've seen my dad go through plenty as a pastor.

71. Can you curl your tongue?

72. Ever won a spelling bee?
Eighth grade. Don't remember what word I won on, but I did spell niece right, and that was the word that messed me up the year before. :P

73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?

74. Own any record albums?
Any what? :P

75. Own a record player?
Apparently we used to have one but it was either broken before or died when our basement flooded years ago.

76. Regularly burn incense?
My dad does.

77. Ever been in love?
I think they were just crushes.

78. Who would you like to see in concert?
I wanted to see the So You Think You Can Dance tour.

79. What was the last concert you saw?
Erin Bode.

80. Hot tea or cold tea?

81. Tea or coffee?

82. Sugar or snickerdoodles?
That's a hard one. Unless it's Mrs. Dye's snickerdoodles, then there's no competition.

83. Can you swim well?
Meh. I don't get a chance to swim much anymore.

84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?

85. Are you patient?
You're joking, right?

86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
Probably DJ. There's too many songs I want to play at my wedding reception that I want just as they are, no improvs.

87. Ever won a contest?
Yep...besides the spelling bee, I can't really remember anything else off the top of my head.

88. Ever have plastic surgery?
No and I don't plan on it.

89. Which are better: black or green olives?

90. Can you knit or crochet?
I used to be able to crochet long strings of yarn, but that was it.

91. Best room for a fireplace?
Living room. Or one of those old, antique-looking libraries.

92. Do you want to get married?

93. If married, how long have you been married?

94. Who was your HS crush?
Freshman year, it was John, sophomore year, David. Haven't had a crush yet this year and I probably won't, there aren't any cute guys to pick from. They all left. :(

95. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
I don't cry, I just usually sulk and ignore everyone. But it doesn't help me get my way. :P

96. Do you have kids?

97. Do you want kids?

98. Whats your favorite color?

99. Do you miss anyone right now?
David and Mr. Lynch.

100. Did you watch Next Great American Band on FOX?
Um, no.


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