Mar 21, 2007 21:06
Comments and smart-ass remarks on tonight's episode. ^__^ I'm writing this as I watch the episode so if I make a comment that seems completely obvious after you've seen the whole episode, forgive me. :)
~ "My favorite kind of wine is beer." Yes. Now THIS Is what I'm talking about. The good, ol'-fashioned flirting we had in S2. And she grins at Danny when Flack insults him. How cute!
Sorry. I'm on a roll. =P
~ "Lindsay." Can you say SQUEEE??!?!?
~ Cockroach. Eeuuggghhh. I can handle lots of things on CSI, but not the bugs. Especially when they're coming out of a dead person's mouth. *shudders*
~ She touches his back. He says "Nice try, Montana." Gak. I think I'm gonna die of D/L overdose. And that look she gives him when he laughs at the bug jewelry guy is too cute.
~ Man, that new sheriff/crime-lab-in-charge-guy is an ass. I thought Ecklie was bad. *lol*
~ They keep using that same shot of people walking down the lab hallway between scenes. Original, eh? ~_~
~ Anna still looks like she's got a baby belly. ^_^ I know, pregnant women don't lose weight that fast. I'm just surprised they didn't try to hide it more, like they did in 3x18.
~ Okay, lady, a bug ain't gonna listen to you when you call to it. Ah, the stupidity of people.
~ "We have more than beer and buffalo burgers, Mes...ser..." Tehe. It's great to see Lindsay getting into her work again. : )
~ "Boom" twice in once scene. Add Danny Messer overdose to the COD on my autopsy, too, okay? ;-)
CURSE YOU, CSI-Q!!! It ruins everything. As much as I try to avoid it. *glares*
Overall...4, maybe 4.5 out of 5. It was an okay episode, the only reason I'm rating it high is the huge D/L quota we got this week, to be honest. I think TPTB have finally decided they need to make up for all the D/L they deprived us of for so many long months. =]
anna belknap,
csi: new york,
danny messer,
lindsay monroe,
a daze of wine and roaches,
don flack,