So. I rewatched Supernatural last night because omg the boys looked so hot I couldn't sleep.
Sam is clearly hiding something.
I left in the timestamp on purpose, but this figure was watching Sam leave Amelia's. Did Sam know he was being watched? Am I totally delusional that I can't help but think that looks like a trench coat collar? I can't help but feel as though somehow, by "walking away", Sam felt like he was protecting someone - ie., someone said 'keep your nose clean' with the threat of hurting someone if he didn't. Either that, or he sensed some kind of danger where he was, and was staying to keep an eye on it.
Also, upon rewatching, I've decided that I really don't like Amelia... but I'm wondering if we're not supposed to? She laid a pretty heavy guilt trip on Sam, which pushed all the right buttons for how messed up he had to be at that moment. Also, what kind of a vet would encourage someone who says they can't properly take care of a dog to take it anyhow. I'm not suggesting something sinister/supernatural about Amelia... but I'm wondering if she's just a bitch. Like, a controlling, bitchy woman who walks all over Sam, who just takes it because he's got nothing else (and let's face it, Sam doesn't have the best track record of picking women).
And whether you slash wincest or not (and I never thought I did until last night) Sam and Dean's relationship can only be described as unhealthily co-dependent, where Dean is clearly calling the shots. As much as Sam might talk about 'moving on' it would be only natural for him to "replace" Dean with someone who can fill a similar role. I'm not saying Sam didn't fall in love with her. I just question whether or not he was happy with her.
I also threw ideas back and forth with someone last night about what might be in store with Castiel this season. I'm going to try and pull those comments together into some cohesive theories. These are based off of nothing much besides my imagination, although there are some mild spoilers for things to come in season eight.
I think Castiel is going to sort of go off the deep end. I mean, he was barely hanging onto his sanity in season 7, and throw purgatory into it?
I think Castiel probably feels like he deserves purgatory - this is his penance, and he'll stay there. Maybe he's punishing himself, or maybe he feels like he has a duty of some kind to fulfill (saving souls in purgatory?) Or maybe he just feels like he's turned into another one of purgatory's monsters. And maybe he has.
It's pretty obvious that him and Dean disagreed, and for Dean to leave him there makes me think that Dean thinks there's no hope for Castiel. Or that he's somehow disgusted with the choices that he's made. Or he feels that Castiel has betrayed him in some unforgiveable way.
Now, there's definite angsty shippy potential here, and I suspect the writers will resolve the issues/tension between Dean and Castiel by the end of the season. And the shippers will rejoice, etc., etc.
Unless they just want to transition Castiel into a full on Big Bad type of character. Which I might actually find to be the most interesting option, TBH.
Last season, Dick just felt so cartoonish - there was no substance behind his character. It might have felt a bit too sudden to flip Castiel over to the dark side last season, but they really did kill his sanity, and I think we'll see that this season.
Making him bad just has so much potential. The guys have never really faced that kind of betrayal. They had Ruby deceive them, yes, but they haven't had someone who was truly their friend just totally go bad on them. It makes me think of The Master in Doctor Who, actually, that mix of insanity and evil, where you know that at one point, you were both on the same side. That constant battle between 'need to destroy' and 'need to save'.
If they're plotting out a multi-season arc (which they should be, if they're hoping for 10 seasons) then the smart thing to do would be to play the 'is he/isn't he' game with Misha most of the season... and then make the final few episodes of the season the reveal that Misha (who they thought had just come back to them!) the one who betrays them. If they know for sure by the end of the season that they're coming back, keep him evil! If they're cancelled... they could still wrap it up either way. If it's unknown... leave it ambiguous.
It might be too late to go there with his character, but I see places they could still go (there is the option to be NOT on Crowley's side but still NOT on God's side). Maybe Castiel serves his penance, but becomes bitter when he doesn't get the grace he feels he deserves. Or maybe he is on God's side, but God uses him as his dog to do his dirty work. He goes along with it, because he figures that's all he's good for at this point/looking for atonement. But if he doesn't get the reward/promise he feels he should afterwards...
The thing is, Castiel could be 'on God's side' and still betray Dean (because we all know what Dean thinks of God). Once he does that (even if he has the best intentions) who knows what kind of permanent damage that could do to his relationship with Dean and Sam - and who knows what the guilt of doing it could do to Castiel.
A quick note: So I spent years in the Harry Potter fandom buried neck deep in the discussion/meta/theory side of the fandom, and while I wasn't expecting that side to come out with Supernatural... clearly I have thoughts. I'm feeling a bit like I'm shouting at an empty room, though (or at least a room full of people who really don't care that much). Where might I go to find people to discuss things with? Preferably people with a grasp on grammar and logical discussion skills, in a ship-neutral(but not anti-shipping) setting.