So it's bad crazy obsessive inevitable that due to the way I lurked around in this fandom I've actually ready pretty much everything listed both
here and
here. What can I say - I treat fandom like a library that I have access to at 2 am. I get excited, then, when I manage to find GOOD fic that I haven't read before.
I probably should have rationed myself a bit, but this morning I spent over two hours first getting caught up in the unbelievable tension in
I Get To Kiss You series (1 incredible tour & post-tour slow build-up of Kris and Adam's relationship fic + 2 amazing sequels) and THEN, like that wasn't enough, when I checked my flist while still rolling around in the afterglow I saw that
jerakeen had posted a new 11k fic.
Take a Chance on Something (and Take It Tonight) is yet another amazing AU (Kris is a bar-tender again, but Adam is a soap star, and kind of a jerk, but instead of being cliche it's just awesome) that ranks up there with some of her best fics, IMHO.
And now I have to somehow come off this cloud that I've been on for the past two and a half hours and go to work.
Oh, and also
(I hope that you're having) the time of your life by
stickmarionette, which I read last week sometime, but should also get mentioned if I'm doing recs, because it's awesome, and managed in just over 6000 words to melt my brain into a mellow puddle of goop.