(no subject)

Jul 29, 2008 16:40

Continuum. Watched it. I'm going to keep this fairly brief, because typing still seems to be a bit of a strain, and I'd like to possibly get fic typed out today yet.

The good:

I loved the first half hour or so. Pretty much right up until they went through the gate. No, not much happened, but it was the team, and they were them, and it was new canon and not re-watching old episodes, and Jack was there and so was Vala, and yeah. Feel good moment. TPTB got me with that.

Also, Jack dying was something I totally wasn't expecting, and while I knew that they were going to reverse it, it was still touching. Loved the reaction to it, especially Sam.

Now, I'm going to put on my Daniel glasses...

I really, really wish I hadn't read the article that told me that Daniel losing a leg was added into the plot because he couldn't make it to the arctic film shoots. Not only did it spoil that plot twist, but it just cheapened the whole thing, because I saw it as a plot device and not something actually happening to the character. Although I did like Daniel's moment of panic when he thought he'd basically just committed suicide.

Also, I just happened to watch 1969 last night, but, correct me if I'm wrong... has the series shown conflicting theories of time-space? I keep thinking of 2010, actually, because I guess I always just assumed that that version of reality continued, but a separate branch of time begun which is what the rest of the series followed.

Have I mentioned recently the first episode of this show I saw was Threads?

I was very, VERY surprised that the three of them just let a year go by without doing anything. Really? REALLY?

What about There But For The Grace Of God?

What about The Road Not Taken?

What about Alternate!Sam and Daniel in Threads?

This isn't the first time the characters have had to make the our reality vs their reality morality choice. They are usually more... plucky, in their resolve to interfere against the government's wishes. Seeing Sam frustrated in the cereal aisle... I was frustrated with her.

I liked it when Daniel called himself.

Once the plotline got rolling again, I generally enjoyed it. Liked seeing the way the Ba'al/Qu'etesh/T'ealc balance of power was handled, and the other system lords being around made the whole thing feel very much like a reunion (Did they get a cameo of every minor character into this movie?).

The resolution felt slightly anti-climactic to me, but I think because I'd already come up with the theory that Cam was going to become his own grandfather, somehow (and worried for about thirty seconds we could get Cam/Sam montages of life in a past time).


As you may have noticed, I said I generally liked the movie. I did. I was in the mood to come here and say mostly positive things.

Then Daniel just dismissed Vala to go deal with an intense decision on her part - to help the host of Ba'al, which was likely to be very difficult for her - as if it was just "Vala being Vala" and this was something to... make a joke about?

I'm sorry.

That left a bad taste in my mouth.

I knew the movie wasn't going to be very D/V friendly. I went into it without any expectations.

But I wasn't expecting something that generally went against the characterization of the level of friendship between them that is absolutely canon right through AoT. Never mind their relationship, Daniel is empathetic enough that if anyone said they were going to do something like that, concern would at least cross his face.

So yeah.

Back to writing my own conclusion of the D/V relationship then...

sg-1, sam, d/v, jack, daniel, vala

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