Oct 23, 2005 01:35
1. How tall are you? 5'5"
2. Do you own a gun? No
3. Rehab? Counseling? What about them? No rehab. And, I like to refer to it as "therapy," thank you very much. It sounds more soothing.
4. Have you ever killed an animal? No!
5. Are you Irish? Helllllllllllll no.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? They have to be all beef for me to eat one. Otherwise, I'm not eating stuff that could be made up of eyes and dead babies.
7. What's your favorite Christmas song? Frosty the snowman...the one about the nuts roasting. I don't know, I really enjoy all christmas songs, it's hard not to.
8. What is your favorite sound(s)? My kitten purring, my family talking, my dad's laugh
9. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee or tea. Usually coffee. Even though it does nothing for me as far as waking me up. I just look foward to that first cup in the morning.
10. Do you do pushups? I probably couldn't do one at this juncture, and I don't usually do them anyways.
11. Have you ever done ecstasy? No.
12. Have you been shot? No, that would suck. However, Jeffy M. and I are going to get a flu shot together on Monday! I know, we are awesome. We are going to go in the same room and hold hands.
13. Have you ever been hospitalized? Just when I was a wee child for the mole under my lip to be removed.
14. Do you like painkillers? No. I had to take them when I got my wisdom teeth out and they made me either comotose or ill.
15. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? I don't have one. Maybe that's my problem...
16. Do you own a knife? No
17. Do you have A.D.D.? Not even close. I'm very patient.
18. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? I wouldnt know that pain.
19. Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: Coffee, tea, milk, some sort of juice....I don't really drink that much. Many of you can probably attest to that.
20. What's In Your CD Player? The new Jimmy Eat World EP
21. What's Under Your Bed? Drawers full of towels, blankets, and sheets.
22. Current Hair? Short and hot. But, in need of a trim during winter break, fo sure.
23. What are you wearing? grey sweatpants, monkey socks, thursday t-shirt, checkered earings....I'm in the process of changing...
24. Current Worry? I'm pretty worry free at the moment.
25. Current Love? There is no male in my life. So, my current love is families, friends, and escuela.
26. Current Hate? The smell of Hodson
27. Favorite Place to Be? RI, at a concert, with a small group of friends just hanging out, newbury comics, muddy waters, etc.
28. Least Favorite Place To Be? hospitals
29. Play an Instrument? Not particularly well. I dabble in guitar and piano.
30. Favorite Colors? Blue
31. Person(s) From Your Past You Wish You Could see again: I honestly can't think of anyone.
32. Where Would You Like To Go? Italy with Alli in the future. More recently NYC with a small group of peeps to see SNL.
33. Where Do you want to live? Anywhere that I approve of.
34. Favorite food? Pasta of any sort.
35. Color of most clothes you own? They tend to be black
36. Number of pillows you sleep with? 5, oh holla! well, 9 if you count the pillows that also line my bed against the wall.
37. What do you wear when you go to sleep? t-shirt and comfy pants or shorts.
38. what were you doing 12AM last night? Chilling with J5 in the green room eating pizza.
39. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? Writing for Rolling Stone with a nice pad outside of the city living with my serious boyfriend and a couple of cats.
40. Are you paranoid? Yes
41. First piercing/tattoo? Ear lobes way back in the day
42. Last person you yelled at? I kind of yelled at Graham...my voice wasn't really raised though.
44. Last thing you ate? Penut butter and jelly sandwich
45. If you could be a pirate, would you? No, why the hell would I do that.
46. Do you have an iPod? No, my mom asked my brother and I we would both want one for christmas a couple years back and I said no.
47. When and why did you last vomit? No idea.
48. What's in your pockets right now? No pockets.
49. What color are your bedroom walls? In my room at home a greyish blue. Here they are white.
50. Last thing that made you laugh? Upright Citizens Brigade at higher ground. My mouth hurts from laughing so much.
51. Any pets now? My dog,Hershey and my kittens Sylvester and Tiger.
52. Inny or an outty? Innie
53. Do you have any piercings? two in the ear lobes, one in the ear cartilidge
54. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Ocean blue
55. Have you ever won any awards? Hellz yea I have.
56. How many TV's do you have in your house: Three? Four when I'm home and put my little one in my room.
57. Have you ever sprained/broken/fractured a bone or gotten a bone? Sprained
58. Who do you tell your dreams to? Anyone willing to listen...which can sometimes be very few.
59. If you could pick one person to make out with who would it be? Jake Gyllenhall