Internet and other academic addictions.

Sep 06, 2010 15:01

I think I've posted about my addiction to the intrawebs several times. Well, I've finally done something about it. Both Shiv and I are on a schedule--drastic times do call for drastic measures. This schedule not only the internet but technological media in general. So the limits? Well, we get to consume ANY time of media by ourselves for only 2 hours a day. When we agreed to this limitation, we both realized how sad it is that 2 hours a day limit is still quite a lot and quite sad that we go over that on a daily basis. Together we can consume an hour of media together (games, star trek episodes, etc); not including homework related endeavors. Once a week we get a 1 hour extender for media consumed together so we can watch a full length movie. On the weekends we have to get off the internet and out of the house by noon and do something else before we can use the remaining time. Lastly, we get one day a week for "unlimited" entertainment together such that we can put a serious dent into games (like FFXIII) or series (like DBZ) that we're watching. Now, this is still A LOT of entertainment on a weekly basis and we're both aware of this. We've already been on this schedule for two weeks or so and it's actually been helping us reduce quite a lot (I even read a BOOK!). We decided that we would re-evaluate the limitations after a month of the start of the program. I could really see cutting down the by-ourselves entertainment to 1 hour a day especially with school on the horizon. Shiv DOES get to cheat though. Since he is more of a gammer he can game ANYTIME I'm not home GIVEN it's actually GAMING (NOT browsing the internet for ridiculous hours or researching games on the internet). Considering my schedule this next quarter, he'll get more than enough game time in :-p Either way it feels like progress. The only time I really messed up was last night when andrew was play FFXIII I was browsing the internet on my iPod instead of enjoying the game with him. *bad me* It would be REALLY nice to have an internet timer where some websites (such as my school website) is not timed. It'd make it a lot easier to really know especially on days where it's 1/2 hour here, hour here, 10 minutes here. This is a really long babbling paragraph...good luck to whoever gets this far!


It seems wrong, even though LJ is basically DEAD (spelled right), to not include the once-a-quarter this is my school progress post! Well, do you want to know? I mean do you REALLY want to know? Well, it doesn't matter, cause it's getting written anyway. MUAHAHAH.

SSII (Current):
EME 50 - Mechanical Processes

FALL 2010:
EME 165 - Heat Transfer (HARDEST class this year)
EME 107b - Experimental Methods
EME 150a - Mechanical Design
**Take GRE (General test for grad school)
**Take GMAT? (Test for MBA schools)

WINTER 2011: (Drop to part-time?)
EME 185a - Senior PROJECT (Only a 2 unit class that will consume most of my time)
EME 171 - Mechatronics (2nd hardest class this year)
EME 150b - Mechanical Design (Technical Elective)
**Take FE exam (The preliminary exam to become a professional engineer)
**Apply to grad school

SPRING 2011: (Still part time?)
EME 185b - Senior PROJECT (Still only a 2 unit class that will consume ALL of my time)
EME 172 - I'm not sure...?
EME ??? - Technical Elective
**Get rejected like a boss?

That's right, only 9 more classes BITCHES. Basically unless I COMPLETELY fuck up (aka fail a course), I WILL be graduating THIS SPRING. Oh...FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU--you get the idea. I like how my year starts REALLY hard and gets progressively easier as time progresses. I feel that this is the way senior year should be.

I'll be posting a schedule of my first quarter this next coming week when I have my internship schedule as well (ohhhh yeah, I'm sexy now!). It's gunna be tuff balancing 3 engineering classes and a job. I've done 3 engineering courses before and it can be a lot (especially with a really hard one in there). On top I need to take two grad school tests? This first quarter I'm either going to shine or completely crumble. Knowing me, I think I can do it...I just need to....DO IT.


Coffee is good. I've been progressively drinking more coffee from influence from the SHIV. I have not reached a stage of addiction or anything to that degree, but I did come to wonder, is coffee really heathy or is this a habit I shouldn't get involved with? Well, I did some research and the over arching agreement among medical professionals: YES IT IS! Especially at only 2 calories a cup (I was fucking surprised). Coffee actually has a TON of benefits both from the caffeine (I was surprised again) and from the loads of antioxidants (I'm still not 100% sure what those are). One cup of coffee a day will allow you to have some of the benefits of the seductive beverage, but to receive all the benefits it's actually suggested to have MULTIPLE cups--however people have difference tolerances for different amounts of caffeine and should only use coffee accordingly (I'm quite sensitive, one coffee is more than enough). The only real draw back to coffee (really caffeine) is in overconsumption (for many people this is around 6 cups) which can cause sleeping disorders (duh) and possibly addiction. Addiction! Coffee addiction unfortunately is kind of an unstudied beast. From one article that I read it only really inflicts 10% of regular coffee drinkers (in one study that is) with withdrawal symptoms ranging from headaches to fatigue. So I think I shall begin to partake in this coffee habit, but I'll only be drinking MAYBE one cup per day and take some days off in between to ensure that no headache are going on. Also, Shiv and I ganked a french press from my GOOD.

I'm going to get off the interwebs now so that all of my entertainment time is spent on LJ. TOODS.
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