Summer fades to Fall
First off, I hope everyone enjoyed
International Talk Like A Pirate Day. In keeping with tradition, I decided to dress the part again. It's too fun not to! Arrr! ^^
Friday - My rollerblading adventure did not go as planned. The combination of not being out for 2 years, exploring unknown trails, rain-slicked pavement & a steep hill = bad idea. I'm glad I was wearing wrist guards... they protected some parts of my hands from being shredded, at least. Oh, and hooray for not being skinny! That bit of extra padding sure comes in handy when you land on your ass- no injured tailbone for me! :D
I guess I was kind of in shock, so after picking myself up, rinsing out cuts with water and slapping on some bandaids, I proceeded to walk around the park for an hour or so, taking a few photos. After a while I noticed that my hands were throbbing and blood was seeping through the bandaids, so it was time to go home. And mope. ^^
Saturday - This was the day of the body search for Forensics class. 6 hours of bushwacking through coastal rainforest, and no body. I don't know if I'm disappointed or relieved that I didn't find anything.
Our search groups did come across some pretty weird stuff, though. Since they don't relate to the case, I will share them here:
- lots of random clothing
- a couple of hobo camps
- a hardhat from a Williams Lake power generating station
- two suitcases tripple bagged with garbage bags and stuffed into a stump, containing photos, christmas cards, letters...
- two large old-growth stumps in the middle of the forest with a fresh cut rose in each, one red, the other yellow
Fortunately it didn't rain during the search... just during our lunch break. Ah well. The woods were soaked, though, and so were we. Search and Rescue provided us with hot chocolate, so it was all worthwhile. :)
Sunday - Pirate Day! Went down to
Granville Island with
Jer &
Pat &
dashaviona to catch the
One Man Lord of the Rings play at the
Fringe Festival. It sounded like a lot of fun, but apparently we weren't the only ones who thought so as it was sold out and we didn't get in. :( Wandered around Granville Island instead- it was even busier than usual due to the festival, so we didn't stay long. Had people over for dinner and some Harvey Birdman and Firefly... I will get them all addicted- mwah hah ha!
Today - I should be studying. (ha!) If the weather holds, I may go and take photos this afternoon/evening (without rollerblades this time) with
shashin. We shall see. :)