This survey is going to be used to determine whether or not the use of design elements in a preschool setting will influence the behavior of children.
Please answer all questions to the best of your ability.
1. Age _____
2. Sex : [ ] Male [ ] Female
3. What is your major/ area of study?
[ ] Family and Consumer
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2. Sex : [ ] Male [ x ] Female
3. What is your major/ area of study?
[ ] Family and Consumer Sciences
[ ] Business
[ ] Art
[ ] Music
[ ] Psychology
[ x ] Other: neurobiology
4. How many children do you know who are currently attending preschool? 0
5. In general, how satisfied are you with the behavior of children that are of preschool age (about 4 or 5 years of age)?
[ ] very satisfied [ ] satisfied [ x ] slightly satisfied [ ] not satisfied
6. How much do you agree that color influences the behavior of preschool children?
[ ] strongly agree [ x ] slightly agree [ ] slightly disagree [ ] strongly disagree
7. In as much detail as possible, please answer the following in the space provided below and the back of this paper if needed:
What kind of environment do you think is best suited for the preschool child? (Please consider color, lighting, furniture placement and things of that nature.)
I'd say light colors and a well lit room makes for a more stimulating envornment for kids. An open space is also good for playing games and generally moving around since kids have a lot of energy and need to release it somehow.
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