unhappy ranting. stay awaaaaay. be afraaaaid.

May 16, 2004 21:57

i have decided. i am cursed. i am unable to form any sort of intimate relationship with any guys for the following reasons:
1. i am not attracted physically or mentally towards any guy who likes me.
2. i like guys who will never like me, physically or mentally.
3. those guys that i like that may be potential prospects always ends up w/ them not liking me.
now, i don't know if this is a subconscious problem or just a wave of extremely bad luck, but in any case, it needs to end. the worst part is though, i don't know how to end it b/c i've always been like this. i need the name of a good hypnotist. ((wink)).

yeah, so it began to hit me today about the whole my seniors are leaving and never coming back. seriously though, these are the people that keep me sane. like, these are the people that i go to to rant about my immature friends; the people that are the easiest for me to feel comfortable around; the people that i trust will keep secrets for me; the people that (i feel) understand me the most. and now they're leaving. going to college, and im never seeing them again. and i can't say that i'm not happy for them, b/c i am, i am extremely proud and happy of all of my seniors and everything they've accomplished. but, i can't say that i'm happy that they're leaving me to deal w/ these immature, hypocritic, annoying, sons-of-bitches by myself. b/c im not. but, what can i do? i can't make them stay ... b/c, honestly, who would want to? and i certainly can't go w/ them (see here's where the whole i'm-so-tiny-i-can-fit-into-a-large-carry-on-bag has it's advantage), so i need to cope on my own. hopefully, this summer will be another positive growing experience for me, and i'll be able to come back to school fully able to cope w/ my classmates and the immaturity and hypocricy that comes w/ them. b/c even so, i do love them too. and i know that there are a few friends that i have stuck w/ me in this town that understand me, and will listen to me rant about my immature friends; that are easy for me to feel comfortable around; that i trust. so, life goes on. new lessons are learned, some old lessons are taught again, and the inevitable passage of time ticks forward. ma nishtanah.
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