"Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba, I wanna be sedated"

Apr 30, 2010 07:46

Fun fact: Vicodine can give you morning hangovers, complete with headaches and nausea.

I see now part of why Dr. House was so grumpy. I'd be an ass too if I had to deal with this every day.

It's almost 18 hours after my foot surgery now. I have multiple layers of bandages and wrappings around my foot, plus an open-toed boot. My own foot burrito.

Still, I've got to hand it to the Monterey Peninsula surgery center. Billing called the day before to make sure I knew my costs, nurse called to let me know what would happen, the Anesthesiologist called the night before to introduce himself. I didn't wait long when I got there, and, even if I had to wear that awful patient gown, they were quick about getting me comfortably under a heated blanket in the cold recovery/pre-op room.

I think everyone that reads this knows I had developed nerve damage in my foot. Morton's Neuroma. It had gotten bad enough that I couldn't walk more than 20 or 30 min without pain, and searing pain if I tried to keep walking. Solution? After attempts with different footwear and light orthotics, it was time to cut that little sucker out.

That song by the Ramones kept going through  my head while I waited.  I had been humming or singing it since the night before...  "twenty twenty twenty four hours to go... i wanna be sedated."    The rest of the chorus (nothing to do, nowhere to go, o-oh)  is a bit more applicable now, with me basically stuck in bed with my foot up most of the time.

Anyways, I was rolled into the operating room, said hello to my doctors, watched the sedative go into my IV, and then .... woke up in the recovery/pre-op area with the aforementioned foot burrito. Nurse said I'd been sleeping for almost an hour. The fact that I had gotten only 4 hours of sleep the night before probably had some effect on that.

I don't think I'll ever outgrow the curiosity to see any bits that have been removed from me. I asked, and the the surgeon let me see the nerve they took out of my foot. Little pink fleshy blob floating in some sort of solution. Good-bye painful blob.

Now, I just have to resist the urge to unwrap the dressing and see the slice on top of my foot. Already plotting the tattoo that's going to go overtop of that.

Everything seems to have gone well.  Toes seem fine. Even if they are still a bit numb, they are all the right color. The foot is throbbing, the drugs don't seem to take for very long.

Stronger drugs and some tums are in order, along with alot of sleep.
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