Thanks Ally, for putting me as number 1. I feel honoured!
List 5 reasons why you are a dork. And make them good reasons. Justify them. Explain them. Be loud and proud of how big a dork you are! Then pick the 5 biggest dorks you know and have them do the same.
1. I have yellow water clogs and will wear them with nearly any outfit. And because I thought it was cool, I bought a yellow skin for my iPod so that it would match my clogs... oh and my Livestrong bracelet.
2. I love any Expo 86 memorabilia. I went ga-ga at the Royal B.C. Museum in Victoria because they had Expo 86 stuff. I have a shirt and a license plate... thus far.
3. To make it proper, before reading the sixth Harry Potter, I had to read the first five first. I bought the sixth one at 10AM the morning it came out, but persisted for two days until I had finished the fifth book before reading it.
4. I have my book and DVD collection alphabetized...
5. Not only do I have Sponge Bob slippers, but I have Spongebob boxers and PJ capris with pineapples on them. Oh, I'm cool.
(I really have more that 5 reasons... but I'm having trouble of thinking of them because they seem so normal to me!)
Now to tag....
Beth Alison Chris Aaron Lara