Jul 23, 2005 00:14
So, I worked today from 1-9, but it was a lot more exciting than usual. Perhaps because they are filming in Fort Langley and today, they were filming right outside the store and in the building across the street. So, the show is called "Three Moons Over Milford" and it is a TV pilot. I think it's supposed to be sci-fi, because if it's not, it's a really stupid plot. Here's the gist: the moon has been hit be a large asteroid or comet or something and has been broken into three pieces, thus "three moons" and the result has been some freaky weather on earth. Very entertaining to watch the filming, indeed. So, we weren't really prepared for what was going to occur outside, but as soon as "Action" was called, these HUGE wind machines were turned on and were blowing leaves, newspapers and dirt down the street. I'm not talking just a nice little breeze either, this was the type of wind that comes before a tornado. It was mental. It was great fun watching all the extras walking through the scene trying to dodge the crap being blown at them. Especially the lady who was trying to manage an umbrella and a Golden Retriever. Yeah, first take and the dog freaks and slips out of his collar, turns around and proceeds the other way down the street, away from the wind machines. And the people wearing hard hats and motorbike helmets walking down the street so that they don't get hit by flying debris... definitely entertaining. First take, our sandwich board flies down the street. So, I bring it in. Second take, they blow Georgie Boy (this huge ice cream cone with a little kid sitting on top that sits outside the store) over. If Marina had seen that, she would've had a small hernia. Needless to say, he came in too. And every few takes, the crew had to go retrieve all the garbage and leaves they had blown, so that they had enough to do it again. Our patio tables and chairs were covered in dirt and leaves, which, yours truly got to clean up. Regardless, it was very entertaining.
And earlier in my shift, this crew guy comes in and tells me that he needs 6 three scoop cones... three scoop cones are $4.95 each. That's a LOT of gelato. Then he tells me that he doesn't care what flavours they are, they just need to be bright colours. So, I obliged. Took forever, because he wanted me to make them look as good as possible and to push them down so that they wouldn't fall off. So, of course, I scooped like mad. Making really gross combinations of gelato... cotton candy, pistacchio, lemon... ewww. And then he asks me to put them in the freezer until they need them so that they don't melt. What a feat, we don't really have a good cone holder and it's so tall that I had to dismantle part of the freezer to get it to fit in. I hope that they were happy... It was fun though. Definitely changed the routine of the day.