Mar 07, 2008 02:37
I figured I would update again. My mom got a new dog, it's the love of my life. I got a laptop, which I desperately needed! I stay at my moms about once or twice a week now so that I'm here when she needs to drive me to Roslyn, and on saturday nights because I usually babysit in Merrick. It's nice that I can do this though, and I get to see my sisters even though they annoy the shit out of me. Still looking for another job, deciding on whether I really want to buy a car now (which I'm thinking I should just wait) I don't know exactly what to do but whatever. Things are still ok with Joe and I am happier than ever. I think every day I get more happy about my life and the way things are working out. I have never been so head over heels in love with someone and it feels so effing amazing. I finally get rid of my Nextel at the end of the month! This was a long time coming, finally my 2 year contract with Nextel is uppppp. I have a checking account cause I am oh so mature, and I am finally going to be able to do online banking which will DEFINITELY help pay my bills. Life is good, there are a few people out there though who try to ruin it for me, try again fuckahss :]