Jun 26, 2009 00:22
I've needed to make this post for a long while now and am just getting to it now. But I feel the need to explain a few things about my decision.
I will not be attending Anime Expo this year.
I'm not sure people will understand but this was a VERY hard chose for me to make.
I haven't gone to AX for a few years now and I miss all my Cali friends. I also miss Cali itself. I love it there. I also miss going to that fabo con. Even with all my misfortunes there I have a super time. But part of what keeps me from going are the horrible misfortunes I have had with that con. Technically they are all personal so I can't blame the con itself...not even about my sun poisoning although they shouldn't have had a ticket line that had people standing outside in the sun with no shade for 7+ hours...but I should have been smarter and just waited till later.
But I'm also not going because of financial reasons. I need to keep up all my hours at work to pay everything off. I have oral surgery I need to go through and still have a few thousand dollars in medical bills that need paying off. And my health hasn't been the greatest either. I have to look at these things first. My adult side is forcing me to re-evaluate my priorities.
It royally bites to put it bluntly.
The HARDEST part about this is that Morning Musume is coming to AX.
Some people may not know this, but I've been following them since 1999 and kept up with so much of their group and Hello!Project it's maddening. I've formed cover groups to perform their songs/dances and have been special guests at a variety of places around town for doing just that. One year my group was even invited to Animazement, but I couldn't afford the travel expenses there. It was a sad moment to say no.
I also auditioned for them. Back with 5th Gen - I had that special form you fill out, did it in Japanese, sent it with pictures and video. I received a postcard back saying I wasn't selected (big surprise) but was told to audition for EGGS and even what song I should sing...I did just that...and didn't make it. So I gave it one more shot with 6th Gen - and made it to the 2nd round. Saw a still from my video online even...#174 or something...ended up with a big red X through it. I'm not surprised considering I don't live in Japan and the next few steps required just that. But I think I did pretty good and am happy I had made it even that far!
After all that if you don't think not going was a difficult decision then I can't explain it any more.
I've been angry at myself, cried a bit, and all that stuff. I'm pretty much over it now.
I'm sorry to everyone who thought I was going. I hope everyone has fun!!!
morning musume