so close to happy

Feb 18, 2008 22:36

so things are starting to go right in life. they were being pretty damn shitty for a while there, but their ok now. i have a job, and i work mostly with people i like, except bryce. i'll tell you about bryce later. so i'm getting paid, and saleem and mumtaz just bought the bellingham coldstone, so i'll have a second job there without even having to look, scoreness, plus i missed working at coldstone and being loved by my bosses. and nathan and i are back to normal. during december we were not so very ok, but we're much better now, and we hada gand valentines day. strippers are always a good choice. i started working out after work, and i've only been at it for a week and i look better, so i like that. i got my period, which means no baby, very very good, and if things keep going the way they are now i'll be raking in the money and still have weekends free to be with nathan. and there is the tiny smudge of unhappy on my generally good life. i still only get weekends with him. maybe i'm selfish or greedy, but i want more time than that. i want to see him every day, not just for a few days every two weeks. and thats what we're down to now. we did get every weekend, but lately he's had a lot of studying and he's going home but i cant cuz i have to work friday, and yadi yadi yada. so twice a month i get two days of my boyfriend. and god forbid we get in a fight or something, there goes one of our two days. we did, but thats not the point, we might. my life right now is so close to totally satisfactory, things are almost exactly where i want them, except for him. and theres absolutely nothing either of us can do. he has to go to school, i have to stay here and work. its going to be like this until the end of the school year, and then a little better this summer. then at least i'll get him for a week at a time or something. we havent really worked that part out yet, but something like that. so there it is, the spot on the clean sheet that is my joy.
ok, so about bryce. bryce is the assistant manager at arby's. bryce is a complete idiot, everyone knows and acknowledges it, even the manager. i can do his job better than him already, just give me his keys. bryce doesnt know how to handle customers or employees, he's stupid (point in fact, he had to have a weekday explained to him, he's 26), he talks about things no one cares about is what could almost be described as a monotone, he thinks he's the best at everything, he talks about things he doesn understand like he knows whats up, he cant take a joke mostly because he doesnt understand that its a joke ( once he told me he had seen
a lot of gross things in his life and i said "what was her name?" and he just stared and said "it wasnt a girl..."), bryce cried at work when he found out no one liked him, he's anal about things that dont need to be anal-ized, and he has herpes. that last one isnt really a character flaw, i just enjoy it. he is the single worst person i've ever had to work with, bar none. some of the other people at arby's are annoying, but he makes them look fun. on the up side no body likes him and he's mocked pretty openly by everyone, so i have people to vent with. that almost makes up for him.
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