(no subject)

Aug 26, 2012 22:33

I hope I'm not single and losery for the rest of my life.

sunday used to be like the day to do something cute. Or the day to be lazy n snuggly. And hungover of course.

Now its like the lame alone day to be alone and feel bad for myself.

And karoke... But that's getting old. I gues just being single in general is getting old.

Mariyahs baby shower is in two weeks. vickis wedding is in like three weeks. Going with jude.  Then nikkis moms wedding the weekend after with richie.


Then the 13th of october is the zombie walk :) The 20th is Jessies Birthday party/halloween party. Then the 29th is rachel and steffens halloween party.
Yay I love halloween. Sad that I can't have my annual party like the last four years.

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