Oct 26, 2010 13:28
it's 1:20pm.
a few things:
1. very close to quitting animal rescue group. cat-ladies are some catty bitches, let me tell you.
2. some recent connections made. this pleases me. we'll see what happens.
3. some recent connections fucked up by my randomly appearing social awkwardness. we'll see what happens.
4. cmj music marathon was so fun. i saw "dark, dark, dark" "blair" "the blow" "men" "fences" along with several other bands whose names i have forgotten. i topped the week off with "muse" with my very good friends will and dawn, and coworkers mike and henry.
5. t-shirt goodness fell through and i'm trying not to let it bum me out. i'm so easily swayed.
6. i owe ashley a package. i'm a terrible person.
7. i owe marceline a package (but she doesn't know this). i'm a wonderful person.
8. need to decide STAT if i'm going to germany next month.
9. need to decide if i'm going to chicago next month.
^the funny thing is i'm so last minute with these things both are equally likely to happen.
10. need to book flight to london and flight out of moscow. 2 weeks enough time?
11. apartment with friend looks like it might fall through-nothing different there. different time perhaps. i really wanna leave so i'm not sure i can wait. there is a proposal of moving in january to greenpoint (my likely spot, anyway) but i'm not sure i wanna go that route with the two dudes and my friend.
generally speaking, i'm floating above a lot of negativity. i'm drinking more tea. i breathe in the autumn air and i remind myself how amazing the day to day really is.
as always, i love my friends.
i am thankful for my closest.
christopher, i am talking to you.