flowers and things

Mar 25, 2007 21:50

helped a friend plait up her horse for Wanneroo Enc Day on saturday, after i rode beej.

had a bit of a cry whilst riding him as i super SUPER missed blitzen and a variety of things. was so anxious and worked up that it just channelled straight into him and he was resistant, tense, heavy and head tossing. kelli and karen gave me a cuddle and made jokes about karen's boobs bouncing whilst she was sitting trot.

so went to the show today and met up with a couple of ppl from and helped steph make her horse look super pretty and it was a nice day overall, but i felt a bit... idk, sad and funny.

went home at lunch and played with my pony. lunged him in the round yard with side reins and he was SO GOOD MAN!
and so adorable and just ... ugh, gorgeous and loveable. he was TOTALLY into the shed and being nosy cos he was psychically connected to the massive carrots i purchased from Duva's' for like $3. i spoilt him rotten with them and he'll probably have the runs as a result. my bad.

so went home. showered, did some reading. nice to get him early. and it's back to real time now, thank GOD. tho i'm sure i will miss daylight until 8pm.
(we are trialling daylight saving in Western Australia and everyone has gone mental because of it).

had to urgently get the music organised for mum's funeral. i had already chosen Elvis Presley's "Amazing Grace" and went thru loads of songs trying to find the 2nd one. jumped onto jed's computer with him and listened to ColdPlay's Clocks, which is a great, GREAT uplifting song and i can totally imagine choreographing a freestyle dressage test to it, what with it's exuberance and elan.

anyway. we listened to some Cat Stevens and i knew straightaway, even before i heard it... "Morning Has Broken"
it's an old hymn, sung by Susanna Prentice that my parents used to love. it's beautiful.

so we burnt that, got Elvis and drove off to Balcatta to deliver them to the funeral ppl.

then drove out to Pinaroo memorial Park, where mum is going to be buried.

god, it is So beautiful there. it's stunning. it's bush, with large sections of mown grass where people are laid to rest. there are kangaroos and rabbits (which i thought were quokkas at first).

the chapel is stunning, big with high class walls and beautiful wooden pews. we actually saw kangaroos jumping across the lawns.

so gorgeous. i cried a bit. thankfully jed was there. i can't imagine anywhere more gorgeous and less cemetary like than Pinaroo. maybe a gorgeous tropical island with azure blue seas and cerulean blue skys and white beaches (idk what the hell cerulean blue is anyway???).

the only reason you'd know it was a cemetary is because of the tiny blue road signs leading up to the turnoff.


all that is happening on tuesday.
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