Getting To Know You meme

Dec 09, 2006 06:43

stolen from catwithclaws01. Your name ( Read more... )

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foalstory December 9 2006, 03:31:59 UTC
01. Your name: Leah!
02. Star sign: Aries, without a doubt SO true.
03. Place of residence: Currently in West Jordan, Utah
04. What makes you happy? cats. ponies. warm fluffy beds. good food. friends.
05. What are you listening to now/last listened to? In my car, the red ipod with podcasts. The other ipod (music one) current played Bon Jovi last *cough*. But I was burning music last night to take with my on the trip and I had Thistle & Shamrock, Bob Dylan and a whole variety of stuff.
06. Do you read my journal? Yup!
07. If so, why? you are just SO much fun! teaching, horses, photos, etc etc etc.
08. Interesting fact about yourself: Hairdresser says my red hair will go WHITE instead of grey. I'm almost looking forward to that!
09. Tell me something random: I have an eyeball on my desk (bouncy ball ;) )
10. Favourite spot/place to be: at the barn or in bed with cats curled up on every side
11. Your favourite lyrics (poetry or song): oh man, I suck at these. I'm not really a lyrical sort.
12. Best time of the year: SPRING!
13. Right or left handed: Right, although my left side is stronger for a bunch of stuff.
14. Favourite food: SUSHI
15. Coffee or tea (what type / flavour): TEA!!!!!!!!! although a good pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks goes over well :)
16. What was your last dream about: oh hells. it was a ROUGHT night. I believe the last tidbit involved me holding onto a floating cushion as I tried to keep Ally (my horse) from running too fast. I was floating above me and we were going down a street. I think it was some sort of performance thing we were going to? BEFORe that I had to move all my stuff in one day's time but I hadn't packed and I'd forgotten to get a UHAUL but it was late Saturday and everything here is closed on Sunday cause it's UTAH, so I was freaking out and trying to ... yeah. it was a rough night :P
17: Last radio station listened to? local NPR station :)
18. Last cuss word word uttered? "fu..." when I pinched my finger a few hours ago when trying to insert xmas trees into the cubical walls, but the thing snapped back and squished me instead. I actually did't REALLY say it but it was there. on the tongue :p
19. Best decade for music: 18th century? oh! decade! um, 80s are pretty nifty still ;)
20. Will you put this on your LJ so I can complete it there? already there !

1. a movie: Songcatcher
2. a book: Good Omens
3. artist/band, song and album: Enter the Haggis
4. Something else (lj friend, website, tv show, store, whatever): Medium! (tv show)


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