Tenth Shooting Star - voice/action;

Mar 03, 2011 19:44

[Ever since Ven returned to the village he's been on-edge... to put it lightly. Between the draft and his encounter with Vanitas, he's not only exhausted, but pretty scared at this point.

That's why, as he's making his way through the village and back towards his house, he's carrying his Keyblade with him and stopping occasionally just to make sure he's not being followed.

Just don't be surprised if he's a bit jumpy; kid's got a lot on his mind.

And when he finally makes it back home...]

[Voice//Filtered 100% from Vanitas]

You know, fighting a real war's nothing like fighting the Unversed. It's way more serious, and people die out there, on both sides... It's dangerous and kinda scary.

[He pauses for a few seconds.]

But I'm glad I could help. Even if what the Malnosso do is wrong, that battle was about more than just them. Plus, it feels good protecting people; it's a better reason to fight than just killing.

[And with that off his chest...]

How's everybody doing right now?

!helios, !axel, action, vanitas, tenth, impending doom, !frederic francois chopin, !sora, wariness does not befit a derp, voice, !rika, !leon

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