First Shooting Star - voice/action;

Nov 03, 2010 17:46

Maybe it's magic... That'd explain all the voices. So maybe if I--

[Flip, flip...]

Hey, can anyone hear me? I heard some voices coming from this journal, so I hope I'm doing this right.

[A beat.]

Anyway, my name's Ventus, and I've got a quick question. Could anyone tell me about this place? It looks like I'm in a forest, but I don't see any people around. Truth is, I'm kinda lost.


[Those in the forest are sure to find this derp wandering around in new feather garb. He stops every once in a while to look around, occasionally scratching his head.

It's odd. While he's used to world travel and even changes brought on by it to a degree, the fact that he showed up in this world without any of his belongings or the Star Shard. His clothes, his armor, and even the Star Shard just up and disappeared, which makes no sense.

So what's he doing? Well, given the way he's aimlessly making his way through the forest, he's either a) really lost, b) looking for something, or c) a combination of both!]

Man, I wonder what happened. Did somebody steal it?

[And what is this "it"? Should anyone encounter Ventus, he might just explain! For now, he'll continue on his way.]

[ooc: Don't forget to hit up my permissions post if you haven't already! The more specific you are, the better.]

!giles, !riku replica, !selphie, lost derp is lost, !okita, !xion, !roxas, no it's not roxas, arrival, !bon clay, !ted, !leon, !vexen, !patchouli, !axel, first, magic book of doom

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