CR post thing

Mar 27, 2018 18:36

PLACEHOLDER. Extreme construction.

- Terra
- Aqua
- Vanitas
- Repliku
- Sora
- Roxas
- Xion
- Kairi
- Axel
- Mickey


- Frederic
- Gold
- Masaomi
- Naoto
- Minako
- Rapunzel
- Kazooie
- Toph
- Kouki (needs moar)
- Rise (also needs moar!)
- Mami (needs moar)
- Minato (needs moar)
- Robin (needs moar)
- Silver (needs moar)
- Selphie
- Luke
- Claude
- Roji
- Leon
- Oswald
- Sanji
- Zack
- Kaori

I know there is more than this! I just have to find it. >Ca

!ooc, !cr

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