Rest in Peace Jerry <3

Feb 25, 2009 09:06

I'm sad. I'm angry. I'm completely devastated. I feel like my heart stopped, nothing really makes sense right now; why doesn't everything else stop when a life ends? My friend passed away on Sunday night of what I consider to be one of the stupidest and most selfish ways to die... a drug overdose. No one but his family is really sure of the seedy details, but either way, it was cocaine or heroin and now he's gone, and who does he think he is?

I wouldn't by any means call Jerry an addict, he was more of a binger in that he would take months off from drugs at a time and then have one week of complete debauchery. In fact, none of us have seen him in MONTHS because he was getting his shit together. He had a real job in the city, a girlfriend, and he was living at HOME. How could this happen? I realized in a conversaton about him yesterday that it ALWAYS seemed like Jerry was getting his shit together, but this time I could have sworn it was true. I'm obviously still in the first two stages of grief.

Jerry was the most charismatic person I ever met. We could have an amazing time sitting in the kitchen staring at each other, making faces. He gave the very best hugs and only let go when you did. He had the most beautiful smile, it could literally light up a room. Regardless of how smart he actually was, and he was much more intelligent than most of our friends, he was so humble and modest about everything. Somewhere along the line he decided everyone was better than him and he wasn't always good enough for the company he kept. Which was so completely untrue (WE didn't deserve him) and while I'm sure that way of thinking ultimately led to this bitter end, his humility and modesty were among his best qualities. I knew Jerry for five years and never once did I find a trait or characteristic in him that took away from him being one of the most amazing, down to earth people I've ever known. It was impossible to have a bad time or a bad day around Jerry.

I have so much more to say and I'm still so fucking angry with him, but I can't continue this.

I love you so much Jer, I hope you're happier and better off where you are now. This place will never be the same without your beautiful smile and incredibly large heart. I am so so angry with you and you don't deserve it, but I'm going to miss you forever. I don't know what I believe in, but if there's more I'll see you when I get there. Rest in peace Gerald Douglass Driscoll March 2, 1983 - February 22, 2009.

death becomes us

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