Mar 07, 2008 14:53
I don't know where to start. I kinda just had this urge to throw down words somewhere and figured this would be the obvious place to do it. My other thought was to maybe draw something just to let my mind empty out onto paper. Though that probably wouldn't turn out too well. Anyways. Lately observations have been taking on a deeper sense of things. I can't describe it really but people have problems to say the least haha.
Oh the world we live in.
I wish they made band aids big enough to fix the things i see. Like last night while watching Lost at John's. You don't ever tell your girlfriend to shut the fuck up when you know deep down that it was the other person at fault. Period. It was rude and disrespectful and not to mention embarrassing since we were all sitting there. But she was just being a bitch right? So that makes it all better right? Uh huh.
Or the flip flopping of emotions towards people strictly based on that person's current emotional turmoil isn't the smartest thing either. You can't tell people you love them and then decide to go back to other person because that person is more deserving of your love now due to hardships they may be going through. Well honestly you shouldn't be so giving to people, as bad as that sounds. You aren't some messiah sent here to love everyone and to be the missing love in these people's lives. Love is something found, not given just because you feel for the person. That's just love out of pity.
Or the complete ignorance of people today. Like how the hell do you not know what Roswell was?
Like how do you live your life? It makes you wonder where people's minds are these days. Well i mean, i know where they are it's just disappointing is all. For the love of god if these so called "terrorists" actually existed, they should really start bombing our television networks so they can get rid of the real evil.
And people wonder why I say I don't take life seriously. It's a god damn joke. In the true essence of things I would say i'm doing pretty damn well for myself right now. But taken by societies standards of living I'm the lowest of low. They're dealing me the Go Directly to Hell card for reasons they don't understand and that's not even the half of it. Don't tell me what to do with my life when you don't even know what the fuck you're doing with yours.
I'm happy to say the least. I have a boyfriend who loves me and who I love very much. I have a vehicle to get me places. I have a job and money. I have a mind of my own and an intelligent one to boot. Things are good. I can't complain. So please don't tell me how wrong I am for doing the things that I find to be stimulating to my being.
And in return, I won't tell you how to live your life. I'll only say to look a little wider than what you're letting yourself see right now.
That's all for now though. I have work in like 15 minutes so I'll ramble more later.