Jan 21, 2002 21:20
no signs of krissy lately, thats a plus, i am almost afraid for tomorrow, what she might have in store for me. neal is acting kinda funny today, just like he was last night, distant is a good word to describe it, almost like i dont know this neal, his birthday is in 13 days, he will be 18. Geeeez, what happened to the little kid part of everyone? it almost makes me think that people dont stay the same person all their lives, they change to someone knew everyday. buttercup is looking lively and well, but grandpa is looking bad in the hospital, his lungs are filling up with fluids. not good not good at all. chris t is supposed to call me tonight, it should be an interesting talk, i ahve to send her xmas present still, its a comin. well, i am off to await fone calls, talk to you all later.