Feb 09, 2008 00:41
Well, according to the magazines I have been reading, I should update my blog regularly.. Okay... But what to say?
I have been working "light duty" since an overhead dock door came down on my head a little less than two weeks ago. I feel like I am in exile, sine the powers that be moved me to a different site to prevent further injury. No one to eat lunch with and no one much to talk to. It is like adding insult to injury - especially after the idiot doctor they sent me to didn't even take xrays. I ended up spending a good deal of last Saturday in the ER - they were appalled at the other doctor's treatment of me and workman's comp got involved - It has been such a hassle.
On the writing front: I finished a New Year's short for my fan fic site and am currently working on a naught Valentine's one. Not much else but researching my dismal career as a writer...