Sep 06, 2005 13:28
Love. Hehe. You know? Ya talk about it and think you know what it is until you actually feel it. Because, like... we like to be cool, and say:
Well fuck that shit.
Truth be told, I think we redefine love every time it happens.
I remember when I was in first grade, I learned what a poem is. I tried writing one about love... I wrote it on a piece of paper. It had something to do with caring a lot about a person. You know -- I was probobly right. Love is whatever you make of it in that moment, and every time you connect with it, it alters, changes shape.
I think this is why so many relationships fail. People use love like a static thing, for comfort, a blanket. Yet the true nature of love goes against this premise... love, I think, in order to thrive, requires the participants to change themselves, actively.
I'd think, if one loves oneself, one would strive to change oneself. This is an act of love, or self love. No, not masturbation... but close. Anyway, taking that thought the obvious step further: as soon as you stop being commited to self development, you threaten any and all relationships (personal, interpersonal, intrapsychic, cephelopodic, ect.) you will ever find yourself in.
The moral of the lecture?
"If you're comfortable, you're not awake."