Dec 18, 2013 00:04
Secondhand Lions is a coming of age story about Walter (a young boy played by Haley Joel Osment) who lives with his eccentric great-uncles Hub (Robert Duvall) and Garth (Michael Caine). This movie is fun, sappy, and a general good time. Duval and Caine produce nuanced performances that make real the stock gruff-but-lovable-old-man troupe. Osment also turns in a realistic performance that avoids
obvious pitfalls.
The plot in short: Walter's mom dumps him on her two uncles in hopes that Walter ingratiates himself with the men and finds their hidden fortune. Rumors swirl about how Hub and Garth got their money, which their eccentric behavior does nothing to squelch. As Walter settles in among his uncles' five dogs and pig, he learns his uncles' history (never quite believing the stories) and convinces Hub and Garth to hear out the traveling salesmen who drop by - instead of shoot at them. Soon the men start spending their money on the wild and mundane, in the process teaching Walther values his mother hadn't. Eventually Walter's mom returns with a new boyfriend. After an adventure, Walter chooses to remain with his uncles. By the end of the movie, Walter finds out the truth to his uncles' old tales.
This is a fun movie. It's made for kids but with enough intelligence and nuance that adults like it. It's based on tried and true tropes but that doesn't stop you feeling good at the end. Secondhand Lions is a movie to enjoy.
One thing know about this movie is that it is a period piece. People are seen smoking, a kid is offered chewing tobacco, and folks, who would be considered too young now, pick up beers to drink. At the times and places Secondhand Lions depicts, all of these actions weren't just legal, they were socially acceptable. Sadly this includes racial attitudes. There are no overtly prejudicial statements made but a few remarks and situation could take the 2013 viewer aback. These comments are tame for 1950s Texas and may have
been considered enlightened for that time.
Oh, one last thing. Comics appear at the beginning and end of the movie. They are drawn by Berkeley Breathed of Bloom County fame. Fans should watch the credits.
Rated PG for some crude language and light swearing, physical violence, use of tobacco, and people of legal age drinking alcohol.