Aug 02, 2007 00:00
That's right. I've had it. I'm to my breaking point.
I have to now start to wonder who the hell my friends are. I shouldn't have to do this night after night after night.
First of all, I've figured out that your booze and weed is more important to you. When I needed you the most you were too busy drinking and being stoned to help me out. I'm to the point where the mention of both booze and weed make me so angry that I want to beat in the fucking wall. You lied to me and told me you'd stopped both. I was niave and believed you. Now I know I shouldn't have. You told me you respected my decision to not do that but you bold faced lied to my face. You don't care for anyone but yourself. Fuck you.
Second of all, you won't return my calls. You won't talk to me on the street, you won't answer your phone because you know its me. How do I know. Easy. I used someone elses phone and you pick up. I'm not completely retared. I'm sick of trying to be friends with someone who can't talk to me unless nobody else is around.
Third of all, you go out with all my other "so called friends" and tell them not to tell me about anything. Fine. I won't include you in anything. I used to think you were just busy but your boyfriend was at least honest enough to tell me. I have nothing but respect for him.
You won't accept the fact that I'm not the same as you. You also won't accept the fact that my morals aren't the same as yours. Fine. I've got no problem with that. The fact that you sit there and act like a grade schooler and not talk to me about is your fault. I'm not going to just ignore a problem. If you have a problem with me, talk to me. Maybe we can fix it.
This one isn't one I can fix. I'm not going to be someone I'm not just to make you happy. You can fuck off. I won't change.
I'm to the point where I don't think I can have any friends because nobody here can accept people for who they are. I'm also to the point of thinking I don't belong in this town. Everyone is the same.
Just a bunch of fucking cookie cutter shapes.
I'm done.