January 29th, 2018 - AHHHHH!!!! Secret Spring Swap assignments have already been sent out and I'm just now updating this. I"M SO SORRY!!! Hopefully, I'm not too late. ^^; It's mostly updated now but I'll be adding more around February 4th.
Both of these are featured below so I will just name them here. Houndour Pokedoll and Metalgarurumon plush.
Card Grails -
- Umbreon star or Espeon star (preferably English but any language would be awesome)
- French McDonalds Eeveelution cards from the BW era - Eevee, Leafeon, Vaporeon, Glaceon, Espeon, Umbreon, Zorua, Pikachu, Scraggy, and Timburr
- Topps Foil Card of Houndour and Topps Sticker Card of Houndour from Johto League Champions
- Japanese Legendary Shine Collection cards: Reshiram, Hoopa, and White Kyurem, Regigigas.
- Japanese CP5 Mythical & Legendary Dream Shine Collection - FAs of Victini, Manaphy, and Genesect and EXs of Zygarde, Latios, Xerneas, and Yveltal
- Korean PokeKyun cards: Flareon FA, Pikachu FA, M Gardevoir FA.
- Any PokeKyun/Generations cards in languages other than English, Japanese, and Korean.
- Canadian sealed English Toys-R-Us 20th Anniversary promos of Pikachu and Magikarp
- French Canadian Toys-R-Us promo of Vulpix. I think that's the only one I'm missing in French. Will verify this
- Any French GAME 20th Anniversary promos (not the Toys-R-Us ones)
- Any of the 2017 McDonald's cards - I only have English versions of Cutiefly, Alolan Diglett, Alolan Meowth, and Yungoos.
- This needs to be updated any Houndoom cards (EX, FA, Megas, and Spirit Link) from XY8/Breakthrough. I have all the English and Japanese ones. I have the regular Houndoom EX and Spirit Link in Korean. I have the two normal EX and Spirit Link in German (maybe the RH Spirit Link too?). Might be trading for the Mega Houndoom EX and Spirit Link in French.
- Any Crimson Invasion Houndoom and Houndour cards in languages other than English and Japanese
- Any Lycanroc or Rockruff cards in languages other than English and Japanese
- any of the poncho eevee cards -
Link or
Link-these Japanese Pikazard promos -
Link and
Link and probably more poncho pika cards that have been released since 2017
- Japanese Battle Festa promo (pika/sylveon/gengar)
- Japanese Umbreon Night Battle Promo ???
- French Undaunted Espeon Prime ????
- This needs to be updated French Double Crisis - two of the four RH 'yenas...I forget which two) ????
- Need to add Sun & Moon English high priority wants
- UPDATE THIS!I am looking for the XY set card of Vivillon in ****Insert what I need here***
Other Important Wants:
Link Ssecond set of Poncho Pikas: Rayquaza, Ampharos, Gardevoir, and Gallade.
- any Dusk Lycanroc figures besides the TOMY figure
Favorite Pokemon Card Needs in English
To Be Updated
Pokemon I Collect
Top 3: Mew (especially Shiny (blue) Mew but there’s little merchandise of that), Mega Houndoom/Houndoom/Houndour, the Eeveelutions, Zygarde 10% (doggy) form), Rockruff, and Lycanroc (especially Midday and Dusk).
Others: Pichu (especially notch eared)/Raichu, Minun/Plusle, Pachirisru, Skitty/Delcatty, Aron (not really the evos), Meowth/Persian, Rattata, Poochyena/Mightyena, Growlithe/Arcanine, Vulpix/Ninetales, Pidgey line, Charmander line, Gastly line, Entei/Suicine/Raikou, Shaymin (especially Sky form), Victini, Emolga, Minccino/Cincinno, Smeargle, Gyarados, Psyuck, Dratini line, Glameow, Lillipup line, Purrloin/Liepard, Milotic, Lugia, Zorua, Shinx line. Probably more I am forgetting but mostly canines, felines, and rodents, birds, and ghosts.
I also like the original Team Rocket (especially James).
A Note About Customs
In general, I don't go out looking for customs, but I do like them if they're well made. I especially like plush and figures. I have a custom Houndoom pokedoll so it would be neat to get a Houndour or Mega Houndoom to go with it. Or maybe Shiny Hounds. I think the custom Littlest Pet Shop figures made to look like Pokemon are neat. If you're looking for someone to commission as a gift for me, I would ask
Sorjei because she is my friend and would have an idea of what I would like.
I would also love artwork of my real life dogs. You can find photos of them on my instagram account - Crazy_Klee_Kai_Girl.
What Type of Items I Collect
I am mainly a TCG collector. I also collect other items mainly other flats that can go into a TCG binder (such as card sleeves, coins, stickers, lamincards, flipz, and other types of cards). I also collect pins, charms, stampers, figures, and plush. I don't really have a way to display those, though, so that's why I tend to focus on TCG. I also like stationery but I tend to not use it 'cause it's too pretty so....lol. ^^;
My favorite thing to collect is TCG cards. I already listed some of the cards I'd really like to add to my collection above. There's a TON more but I'm still working on finishing those lists.
If you live in another county and have foreign language cards...I would love booster packs of those. I kinda have an obsession with cards in different languages...especially when the Pokemon's name changes (French or German) or the language is in symbols I can't read (ie - Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Russian).
Korean boxes are pretty inexpensive on eBay. I have quite a few sets already...I'll need to compile a list so I don't get duplicate boxes since, if I've already bought a box, I already have most of the cards from that set. I haven't bought any Sun & Moon era Korean boxes, so those would be safe (Shining Legends or Crimson Invasion (or the Crimson Invasion Hydreigon deck because Hounds) would be awesome).
I also already have most of the Japanese cards from BW and XY sets (except promos). I would especially be interested in non-English booster packs from HGSS series. I especially love the set Undaunted (Reviving Legends in Japanese), Breakthrough, Guardians Rising, Burning Shadows, Shining Legends, and Crimson Invasion.
If you have non-English cards of any of the Pokemon listed in my favorites, I would probably like those. I do have quite a few already but I haven't made a list of everything I have.
Non-Card TCG Related Items
- Team Rocket TCG Coin
- Eevee TCG Coin
- Pokeball TCG Coin
- I used to collect jumbo cards, but I've been debating on selling off my current collection. The one I like most out of the ones I'm missing are: the one that looks like Base Set Charizard. (and possibly eeveelus)
- Southern Island Postcard with Lapras -
http://aponya.ru/images/13451df0d19d113f12557c821853ea63.jpeg - last one I need - I might have this? Not sure anymore.
Other flats
Rayquaza from here-
Slowbro from here- Lamincards - (full wants list link provided at bottom of journal) I would especially love Houndour/Houndoom and Team Rocket in languages other than German.
- Stickers - some provided in lists section at bottom of journal. Would be interested in others, especially of Houndoom line. Will try to get a photo of my amada stickers linked here. I don't know if it exists but I need a Houndour trozei sticker to go with my Houndoom one.
- BW era dark clearfile with Houndour
- This card -
Link- I don't know what it's called but it was a puzzle piece thing with Houndour and had a pawprint on it.
- Topps Johto League Champions foil Houndour and sticker Houndour cards.
- Pretty much any flats with Houndoom or Rockruff lines.
(when I say "plush" that's because I don't know what kind of plush is available for that Pokemon)
(In order of interest)
- Houndour Pokedoll (this is one of the items that would be closest to a grail to me. I gave up the opportunity to get one when they were still available in stores.
- This Rockruff -
Link- Dusk Lycanroc plush - I already have the Pokedoll)
- Houndour Mascot plush
- Manetric and Growlithe plush from 2014/15. I think they were MPC.
- Growlithe Poketime plush
- Shadow Lugia Plush (Pokedoll the only one?)
- Tufty Pichu Pokedoll (but I think this is super rare and I will never get one)
- Arcanine plush (UFO is the only one I've ever seen) - (I have a tiny keychain plush)
- Smeargle Plush (Any, but I especially like the green tailed one)
- Poochyena Plush (I think there's a cute UFO one?)
- Liepard
- Valentine’s Day Pikachu set (I don’t normally like Pikachu but they’re adorable) -
http://www.sunyshore.com/cart/images/pairpika_keychainplush.jpg- Daisuki Club Sleeping Pachirisu plush
- Glaceon and Leafeon Pokedolls
-Cubone, Victini, Pichu, Raichu, any Eeveelution (except Sleeping Glaceon and Leafeon) Kuttari plush
- 2016 Mew Pokedoll
I Also Like
(some of this might be outdated. The *'d items I definitely still need
- Rockruff Kid Figure -
Link- *Anything with this Houndour design -
Link- *Hasbro Houndour figure/toy that shoots fire
-* James figure -
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-C2QP9mevS4U/VmIW_drfh8I/AAAAAAAAGtM/3_mvXhMILRE/s640/james3.png- *Custom Pokemon dice - Eeveelution, Houndoom, Mega Houndoom, Houndour, Mew, Rockruff, Lyrcanroc (especially Midday or Dusk)
- *Any Herdier stuff…I have none except cards and a tiny plush O:
- *Kid figures - James wearing black/purple outfit. Clear Houndour and Clear Mews. I do need non-clear Mews, but I don't have a list of the ones I have/need.
- *Team Rocket's Meowth Balloon and Magikarp Submarine toys -
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Diamond_and_Pearl_vehicles- Growlithe Poketime strap (actually any Poketime strap of Pokemon I collect)
- Shiny Umbreon and Regular Espeon from here -
http://koracat.storenvy.com/ (actually I like them all but those two are my favorites)
- Eeveelution stampers - Umbreon (I have Espeon and Glaceon) and the roller with Eeveelutions
- Other cell phone charm/straps - I don’t have a list of the ones I have though…sorry.
-I don't know if exists but a pin like this one of Houndoom would be awesome -
http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/whitewolflarka/24617440/102555/102555_320.jpg- *Mew coin bank
- Valentine Pikachu stuff (I normally don’t like Pikachu but it’s adorable) -
http://www.sunyshore.com/cart/images/pairpika_charms.jpg http://www.sunyshore.com/cart/images/pairpika_memopads.jpg- Zukans....I don't have any, but I think most I like would cost too much for this.
- *Houndour and Pichu Bros Pokedoll Charms and Pins -Don't have to come together...but I do like them all. Also might be interested in other Pokedoll charms. I don't know what all exists.
Animal Crossing Amiibo Cards/a>
- Neopets cards. Would especially love any Lupe cards.
- Digimon Cards I especially like the garurumon line, Matt, gatomon, gazimon, terriermon, and tenamon line.
My Little Pony Flats- Funko Pop Vinyl figures - need to make list of ones I'm looking for
- Game of Thrones Funko mini figures from blind boxes - I still need Jaime, Drogon, Glow-in-the-dark White Walker, Hot Topic exclusive Jon Snow, Hot Topic Exclusive Daenerys (with green dragon), and San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive Ned Stark (in memorium). Also need a few from Series 2 - will update soon. Have none from Series 3 and not sure I want them.
- Nightmare Before Christmas Funko mini of Zero and maybe Santa Jack.
- My Little Pony Funko mini Hot Topic Exclusive Clear Discord
- Funko My Little Pony Glitter Variant figures of Luna, Big Mac, and Discord (normal colors and Blue Flu...actually I don't even have a non-glitter Blue Flu Discord).
- Neopets plush, especially of Lupes and Doglefoxes. I only have a striped lupe, a brown doglefox, and McDonald's Yellow Lupe Plush.
- My Little Pony - Toola Roola (I have most of her figures. I'll try to add a list of wants soon). Also looking for some Luna/Nightmare Moon Figures. I also like the non-English blind bag cards that have different languages on them. Here's a few specific items :
- Luna with light up wings -
http://www.strawberryreef.com/images/Ponies/FIM/PrincessLunaIIFIM_600_L_collec-jcg.jpg - Luna that you color
- Chi (from Chi's Sweet Home)
- Digimon - Matt, Garurumon, Weregarurumon, and Metalgarurumon. Especially this plush -
link- Zero (from Nightmare Before Christmas)
- Stitch (but I have a lot of Stitch stuff already)
- I would like a Ryo-Ohki plush backpack (or if you make plushies, I would love a plush backpack of my character Poink)
- Pirates of the Caribbean stuff
- Shot Glass (though they're probably too fragile to ship?)
- I would like a plush of Kenpachi from Bleach
- I collect empty Target giftcards with Spot (the Target dog) on them
- Bleach manga with Grimmjowl (or anything with Grimmjowl)
- Ginga Legend Weed manga (only available in Japan), anything above volume 6
- Inubaka volumes 18-22 (only available in Japanese)
- Chinese Warrior cat cards -
http://sorrelpaw.blogspot.com/2010/05/warrior-cat-trading-cards-infopics.html- Shenzi (from the Lion King) - really want a plush of her.
...possibly more stuff will be added later.
More Specific Wants Lists
Base, Jungle, and Fossil Cards in All Languages - Needs to be Updated
English Black Star, POP, Burger King, and McDonald's Promos-
Wants: English TCG: Diamond/Pearl and Platinum-
Wants: English TCG: HeartGold/SoulSilver and Black/White Eras-
Wants: English TCG: XY and Sun/Moon Eras-
Wrapper Collection - Needs to be Updated
Topps and Chrome Cards-
Ultimate Stickers, BK, Flipz, Flix Pix, Artbox Stickers, Lamincards, and Staks Thanks for looking!
~ Risha