[log] maybe all i need is a shot in the arm

Sep 11, 2009 22:50

06[17:35] * Scud is sitting at the bar, drafting something, and singing along with the Jukebox, badly. Because really, death metal isn't a karaoke type song.
06[17:35] * Scud capitalizes Jukebox forever.
06[17:40] * Libster is actually asleep in a corner table and god only knows why she's doing it here (it's called "sexile" and her roommate's a GIANT BITCH and she hates her) but she's even sleping through the sound of cats dying that's ... coming out of the jukebox, Scud's singing is more like a really friendly chainsaw that she's also sleeping through.
06[17:42] * Tad is for once not the person most comatose in this room! He is SO PROUD of himself no he hasn't even noticed, it doesn't matter. "Oh..........'s a bar." Oh my god, Tad.
06[17:43] * Wesley has all of his clothes on when he arrives! Rejoice! Or don't, if that's how you roll, but don't worry, this state of affairs is unlikely to last. "Fucking brilliant deduction, Watson." ...he will just seamlessly insert himself into this conversation.
06[17:43] * Scud is fond of Stigmata for providing moments like these. Since it isn't bothering Libby, he keeps singing (badly) while he draws. He comes to a stop when Tad speaks, whups. "It is! Oh, you two." That's a cheerful 'oh, you two', not a '...... oh. you two.'
06[17:46] * Libster wakes up when the chainsaw stops singing in harmony with the drowning cats because this is a change in aural scenery her brain feels must be noted no matter what her body wants it to think; therefore, she jerks awake with a snort and a "whzah? ... oh."
06[17:47] * Tad gives his brother a look of great indignation. "'s a /confusin/ bar, is what it is." AND TO BE FAIR it doesn't have like ...anything a normal bar does except booze, so he is well within his rights to make even more amazing statements than usual. He waves at Scud, and will probably be trying to get him high within minutes.
06[17:49] * Libster pulls her hoodie off her head and blinks at the ... shapes ... coming into the bar. "Hi," she says, from her corner, and waves loosely.
[17:49] "Heyyy, morning, girl," He greets Libby happily. Really, when he's not betraying humanity to the vampires, he's a very pleasant person. He may already be high, it's always hard to tell with him.
[17:50] "It ain't a complex equation," Wes points out, in a tone suggesting he feels this is deeply reasonable of him, and he is going to occupy this here sofa for Britannia and...the queen, and shit. Yeah. "'lo." Hey, it's the shrimp girl.
01[17:50] "Is it morning?" What, it's an honest question, and one she ... isn't awake enough to figure out consciously, yet.
06[17:50] * Tad certainly is, you may bet the house on that. "Oh, it's um. Did you get your shrimps?"
[17:50] 'Um' is probably definitely how Libby would like to be known.
06[17:51] * Wesley is contemplating setting her up with Tad. For the record.
[17:53] "Uhh, nah, not mornin' yet." He reaches behind the bar for another beer, intrigued by these shrimps which are mentioned.
[17:54] "'s morning somewhere, I reckon." The question once again is raised: philosophical, or just off his tit?
[17:55] "In Australia." Not high. ...a fucking lunatic, arguably.
01[17:55] "Roomie threw it out before I got back," she says, frowning. Oh, right, they're the not-clones, okay. That's how she knows them. She's forgotten their names, though; she makes a face. "'s okay, though, I don't like shrimp that much anyway."
06[17:58] * Tad is not sure he ever knew hers! 'Um' has a nice ring, really. "Didn't like Australia," he informs Wes, snottily. "It was full of ...um.
[17:58] "In Australia," Scud echoes dutifully, for no reason. "You want some coffee or something?" To Libby. Coffee won't help the twins with ANYTHING.
[17:58] Tad's typist is a moron.
[17:59] "It was full of...um." Bees? No, don't say bees, Tad-- "...bees."
[17:59] "Can't have been. We only met her the other day."
[17:59] "I like bees," Wes says, unruffled.
[18:00] "'s because they don't sting you," Tad grouses, darkly. "Probably afraid they'll get the clap."
01[18:01] "Does he have the clap?"
01[18:01] ... says Libby, from her corner.
[18:01] "I don't have the fucking clap," Wes objects.
01[18:02] "... well, I guess you'd know," she says, unruffled.
06[18:02] * Scud claps, naturally. "I'm givin' you some," he informs Wes.
[18:02] "Um. No," decides Tad, because Wes is the only person right now who knows the way back to Tad's house.
[18:03] "It's a good thing I'm so secure in my masculinity and sexuality," Wes reflects, re: Scud's clap.
01[18:03] "You're giving him the clap?" Libby pauses, as if she must think (it's a little hard when you're half-awake and your brain thinks it's a piece of honey). "Are you sure that's legal?"
06[18:03] * Tad stops, stock still, staring at Scud. THEN he laughs.
06[18:04] * Scud beams.
[18:05] "'S just a little bit," he further explains to Libby. "And it's a /gift/."
06[18:07] * Tad considers this. "Well...I mean, you wouldn't /pay/ for it, would you?"
01[18:07] "Oh, okay," she says, like that explains it all, her eyes wide and credulous.
01[18:07] Then she pauses, looks Wes up and down, and - let us all take a moment to register she's not all here, so we can understand she wouldn't normally say such - okay, yes, she probably would - says: "You have masculinity?"
01[18:08] "I wouldn't pay for it," she says, automatically, as soon as Tad's comment registers.
[18:10] "Buckets of it," Wes assures Libby, possibly intrigued by where her weird little brain will take that concept.
06[18:11] * Tad nods, figuring since they look exactly alike this covers him also.
[18:11] "Yeah, I figure that's what the panties are about, you know, the contrast. /Out/ /lining/ /it/, so to speak." Scud speaks up helpfully.
01[18:12] "Ew," says Libby, clearly imagining rows of buckets filled with penises forever, for one beautifully horrified second. "Where would you fit 'em all?"
[18:12] "'m not wearing any today," Wes supplies, presuming that Scud is still vastly intrigued by the contents of his trousers and his southern sartorial habits.
06[18:13] * Libster smiles, like she's finally figured something out. "Ohh. Not on the job?"
[18:14] "I dunno about that, it's a 24/7 business being me. 'cept here, maybe, what'd you think," this is directed to Tad, with appropriate brotherly nudging.
[18:15] "Oh yeah, he's like a 7-11," Tad obliges. He has no idea what Wes is actually asking, he is just really enamoured of the concept of 7-11s, having recently visited one in Boston.
01[18:17] That is a really interesting face Libby is making there at the thought of Wes mashed up with a 7-11. "And you're sure he hasn't got the clap?"
[18:17] "I get tested," Wes says, with dignity. ...he's not going to disabuse her of this notion, by the way.
[18:17] "Not ...today."
[18:19] "That's very responsible and deserves cake." Scud does not make any move to fetch any.
06[18:19] * Tad brightens, then ...idk, dims again once cake is mentioned but not produced. "Unless it's with raisins in." :/
01[18:20] "Do they have any cake in the fridges here?" Libby sits up but doesn't seem to be moving any more towards the kitchen than Scud is.
[18:21] "This place keeps popping stuff up," Wes says, speculatively. "Maybe if we all want cake really hard, cake will happen."
[18:21] "That's not cake." Scud is shocked. "They might. I wonder if they have those jello shots we made two weeks ago." Gross. Oh all right, he'll go look.
[18:21] "That works in hotels!" Tad is VERY EXCITED about this thing he has apparently not realized is room service.
01[18:24] "It might happen," she says. "The other day I met a dude who ..." Uh. Hold on a second there. "Wait, nevermind, that was probably just my brain seeing things again." This happens a lot.
[18:25] "D'you hallucinate often?" Wes is not actually making fun of her, he just sounds mildly interested.
06[18:25] * Tad eyes her interestedly. "Are you on something?" Can he have some?
[18:25] .....twins
01[18:29] "Yeah, kinda, I'm on meds for that," she says, disinterestedly, "and no, it's a family thing and it'd screw with my other drugs."
06[18:29] * Scud wanders back out of the kitchen with an ice cream cake that has a joint stuck upright in it, lit. "Congratulations on not having the clap!"
06[18:30] * Libster claps.
[18:30] "...................that is the most beautiful damn thing."
06[18:31] * Tad sighs dreamily ....no, really.
06[18:31] * Scud brings the cake to those assembled, with the requisite plates and forks as well, though forcing them to eat with their hands would be kind of funn-- no.
01[18:33] "There should be hats," Libby says, suddenly.
01[18:33] "If it's a party, we should have hats."
[18:33] "I bet I could find some," Wes volunteers immediately.
[18:34] "Go for it, otherwise, y'all'll be consigned to newspaper hats that I fold."
[18:35] "You," Wes points at Tad, "don't eat it all without me." ...and now he is going to EXPLORE THE NEXUS FOR HATS oh god. He'll be a couple minutes.
01[18:35] Libby points at Wes. "Your mission: find us some awesome hats. This message will self-destruct in five seconds. GO!"
06[18:35] * Scud rather domestically cuts and serves the cake, leaving a large piece for Wes upon his return.
[18:36] "What--oh." He scowls, ineffectively, because his face is full of cake like three seconds before it touches his plate.
[18:36] The joint will have to be blown out by someone before it melts the cake into a flaming wreck of ice cream and pot. Scud just isn't thinking about it.
06[18:37] * Tad would eat that, jsyk.
[18:37] Also for the record, you know that crunchy stuff that is in the middle layer of ice cream cakes? Tad methodically removes and saves that for later, because it is /awesome/.
06[18:38] * Libster will blow it out, then. Jesus, boys, have you no consideration for the horrors of burnt ice cream cake. Because she does. Oh she does. Burnt ice cream cake is of the devil. It's *Horrible*. Even when you're hungry. "Someone better smoke this," she says, pointing at the joint and definitely not touching it.
06[18:40] * Tad kind of lunges forward, then stops, delicately. (Delicately.) He certainly WOULD, but it is presumably Scud's joint, and he does not really have much trouble keeping in supply. A gesture and huge, sunny-stoned grin indicate that Scud should do the honors.
06[18:41] * Scud laughs, plucks it out, takes a cursory inhale, and passes it to Tad. He is strongly reminded of his college friends, which wasn't such a very long time ago for him.
06[18:42] * Wesley RETURNS, GLORIOUSLY TRIUMPHANT - why yes, one of those hats has wax fruit adorning it. Another one appears to look remarkably Napoleonesque. The remaining two are sort of 1920s, and definitely intended for women.
[18:43] Don't give Tad the wax fruit one, he'll forget later and eat them.
06[18:45] * Libster takes one of the 1920s ones - giant, white, and poofier than anything meant to fit on a signle head has any goddamn right being - and sits it on her head. "Look! I'm Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady!" She grins out from under this monstrosity and laughs when the veil falls in front of her face.
06[18:46] * Tad ....abruptly thinks she is the cutest thing in the world.
06[18:46] * Wesley plants the other one on Tad, sticking Scud with the fruit and claiming Napoleonic reenactments for himself, /god only knows why/. "Now you match."
06[18:47] * Wesley has never tried to matchmake before, it ought be noted.
01[18:48] "Maybe we should make out, then," Libby remarks.
06[18:49] * Tad looks up, ice cream on his nose. "Wesley, I'm havin' an 'allucination."
06[18:49] * Wesley wipes the ice-cream with the end of his sleeve. "Nah, I heard it, too."
[18:50] "You heard her, right?" he prompts Scud.
01[18:51] "It's not a party if nobody's making out," Libby points out.
01[18:51] "Especially not if it's appropriate."
[18:52] "Tad. Mate. /Thaddeus/."
[18:52] "Oh, that's m'name," he informs Libby, because it is entirely possible she does not ...know that.
06[18:53] * Scud adjusts his fruit, peering out from behind the grapes. "Is she suggesting you two make out?" SCUD, HELPER.
[18:53] Meanwhile, he kind of veers toward Libby, but is stymied by the fact that their hats are like the circumference of the globe.
01[18:54] This is Libby's "I am filing hat away for future referenc" face. It's a lot like her "I have to think about this because my brain is filled with peaches" face, which she was making earlier, when she just woke up. "Oh. Well, nice to meet you, Tad." Pause. "... I'm Libby?"
01[18:54] Bonk, go their hats.
[18:54] "C'mere, /we'll/ make out-" Wes is kidding, also straight, but he might also plant one on Scud if taken seriously just because. This is excessively classy of him.
06[18:55] * Tad ....removes his, contemplating Libby slowly. But interestedly!
[18:55] You may ask how a person can contemplate slowly, the answer is Tad.
01[18:56] "Well that's not fair, your hats aren't as big -" And there goes Libby's hat, on the table (next to, but not on, the ice cream cake. because it could've been). And then she realizes now both their hats are off, and her brain goes "huh."
01[18:56] ... give us a minute here, we're dealing with two people whose brains keep going at interesting angles to the real world.
01[18:57] Her eyebrows raise. And she looks at Tad expectantly.
06[18:58] * Tad 's typist feels it is entirely possible these two could, for instance, invent their own language. Tad gathers /every ounce/ of energy he possesses...
[18:58] ...and kind of mashes his face into Libby's before like, actually kissing her. His depth perception is not awesome.
06[18:59] * Scud is willing to smooch Wesley, this is okay with him, but he is totally voyeuristically lolling at the moment.
01[18:59] That's okay, Libby started to move at the same time, she's just gonna pretend they didn't both totally miss each other there.
06[19:00] * Wesley ... lights a cigarette and settles in with his ice-cream like 'JOB WELL DONE'. What did he do, you ask? Nothing. Pretty much nothing. Is he going to take credit for it anyway? You bet your sweet ass he is.
01[19:00] Also, what she makes up for in skill and ... expertise, she is trying hard to make up for in enthusiasm, because nobody likes an unenthusiastic kisser (... and also Tad doesn't smell bad, this is important for kissing).
01[19:01] (Really, it is.)
06[19:01] * Tad smells awesome, he is one of those bizarre people who showers like three times a day. ALso he has made out ...a lot. So arguably both parties are having a pretty good time!
06[19:02] * Scud tries not to stoner giggle on their good time, and immediately starts doodling them. The fruit keeps getting in the way, however.
06[19:02] * Wesley will eat all of this cake if nobody's paying attention. By the way.
01[19:05] Do ... Libby and Tad ... care about the cake anymore, is a good question. Libby's probably forgotten all about it at this point, because she has no attention span.
06[19:06] * Tad , as a professional stoner, is really good at not breathing for long periods of time.
[19:06] BUT SUDDENLY HE NEEDS AIR. Look at that "...................." he says. Hi.
01[19:08] "Hi," Libby actually *says*, biting her lip and looking basically like she just maybe enjoyed herself a hell of a lot with a guy she only barely knows and wants to do *more* of that in the near future, perhaps. "You kiss good." ... eloquent.
06[19:08] * Wesley applauds. He's not giving them the clap.
06[19:09] * Scud is too busy doodling to give them the clap, which is good because then they'd have to get another cake.
[19:10] "Yeah, you're all right." Which he pronounce like 'owwrite,' because ...because.
[19:11] and grammars good, too.
01[19:13] This is, unfortunately, when Libby's phone decides to go off - it's "Poker Face," by Lady Gaga, so enjoy that, Scud - and she leaps up, grabbing for her bum and flailing just a bit. "Ohmigod *what*," she says in her best "I WILL EAT YOUR TESTICLES" voice (which isn't very scary, to be honest). "Could you have - what? You're not serious."
06[19:15] * Scud does not sing along with Libby's phone, thankfully.
06[19:15] * Libster facepalms. "I am sorry but roomie's boyfriend melted a hole in the carpet and we might be getting kicked out of the dorm or something unless we can figure something out and I really have to go but uhm-" and she stops and basically makes out with Tad for another minute ... hi --
[19:16] "Get her fucking number," Wes instructs Tad, not even bothering to pretend at discretion.
01[19:16] "-here is my phone number, write yours down next to it really quick, and then CALL ME or ... I'll call you first. Yeah."
06[19:16] * Wesley offers Scud some more cake.
01[19:16] And here is a pen, jammed into Tad's fingers, whether his fingers know what to do with it or not.
06[19:16] * Wesley leans over and writes it down for him. Her. /Them/. He is the best brother.
06[19:17] * Scud accepts cake gladly! And he folds up the picture of Tad and Libby smooching and attempts to put it in one of Libby's pockets.
[19:17] "So--I'll ...wait and you'll--um. Maybe I'll call you first?
[19:17] " He doesn't know.
06[19:18] * Libster tears it off messily and then bites her lip and runs the fuck out, waving madly and then she runs into the door and falls over and gets back up. "I HATE THE UNIVERSE," she says, very loudly, "except not you, Tad ... and not you, ... uhm, and not you either." And then she runs out the door.
01[19:19] "WHICHEVER IS FINE," she yells before the door shuts.
06[19:19] * Wesley considers a high five, considers Tad, and considerately puts his hand out sort of low.
06[19:20] * Tad follows the process of his own hand very carefully, and manages to sort of ...glide next to his brother's outstretched one.
06[19:21] * Wesley low-fives half-successfully.
[19:21] "So I should ...call her up, then." Yes, Thaddeus.
[19:21] "Yep."
06[19:22] * Scud pushes the fruit out of his face again. "Good work with the hats, man. Look what you done."
[19:23] "Hasi says I'm a mad genius." Really.
06[19:27] * Scud refuses to remove this hat. "Can't argue with the lady."

!wes, !scud, log, *stigmata, !tad

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