(no subject)

Dec 02, 2008 14:28

after puking my guts out for an hour and a half, i fell asleep for an hour and a half, and puked my guts out some more when i woke up. joy.

anyway. stole this from someone's facebook.

1. Are you in love? i'm not sure. i don't think so, bu ti think i'm well on my way
2. Ever kissed anyone with the name starting with a j? yes :)
3. Are you watching TV? nuh uh
4. If you were given a drug test right now would you pass? i don't know, how long does weed stay in your system? if it's any more than 5 days, no.
5. Do you know anyone in jail/prison? probably a drug dealer
6. Do you like the color green? yes :) i've been slowly drifting to orange, but i do love green
7. Who were the last 3 people to send you a message? Sara, Craig, and Kim
8. Ever drove into the ghetto to buy drugs? i don't buy drugs. i get them for free from my rich friends :D
9. Do you have a crush? yes. i like a boy very much.
10. Last restaurant you went to? *groan* chilis, but please don't remind me
11. Last message you received? sara: 'my bad. what's he like?'
12. What did you do yesterday? slept, talked on the phone, worked on car, had bath, slept
13. What's the first thing you would do with five million dollars? buy a civic (YES, a civic) then buy music crap
14. How many hours did you sleep the night before last? well, i slept from like 7 AM to 2 PM
15. Who was the last person that you felt was stalking you? iono
16. Have you ever been on your school's track team? no...
17. Do you have any piercings? one in each ear.
18. If all of your friends were going on a road trip, would you go? hellaaa
19. Do you swear at your parents? not really. grant hella does.
20. Is your phone right beside you? to the left of me on my bed
21. Have you cried today? yes, while i was throwing up
22. Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now? it's likely
23. What is the color of your bedsheets? white with black barbed wire haha
24. Have you ever crawled through a window? climbed through Patrick's this weekend
25. Are you photogenic? umm...when i try really hard?
26. What do you spend most of your money on? books and CDs and DVDs on amazon
27. What was the last thing you did? threw up
28. Do you have a tattoo? not yet :)
29. Is there a secret you've never told any of your friends? yeah.
30. Ever told someone you love them and didn't mean it? probably Nick Moss
32. Are your parents married/divorced/separated? married
33. What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment? whatevs
34. What objects are around you right now? cell phone, ipod stereo, fingernail clippers, hair clips, james dean poster, titanic poster, jeans
35. What's on the walls of your room? oh. umm...jimi hendrix painting, angel painting, donnie darko poster, moulin rouge, titanic, JD and marilyn monroe, breakfast at tiffany's, my wall of nostalgia, my jewelry thing, my guitar chord chart, golden horse shoes...
36. Are you genuinely happy? yes :D
38. What color is your ipod? orange :D
39. What are you not looking forward to tomorrow? umm..iono...it should be okay
40. Where's the last place you went? dropped kayla off at her house
41. What's your favorite thing to do? play music
42. What do you miss right now? a boy D:
43. Lyrics stuck in your head? nuh, i'm listening to Shooting Star (par elliott emith)
44. What are you doing this weekend? friday should be D Day with Jason, the weekend i might hang out with TJ
45. Two emotions you're having now? happy, stressed (sociology)


1. Are you jealous of one or more of your friends? allll the time
2. Have you known any of your friends your whole life? randa since age 7
3. Are any of your friends taller than you? besides the guys, basically just Kim
4. Have you ever been ditched by a friend? haha. yeah.
5. Do you have your friend's phone number's memorized? well, the old friends' house phones, from before i had a cell phone, i've got kayla's cell memorized and same with matt's, but that's about it
6. Have you lost or forgotten a friends phone number? nuh uh.
7. Have you been to most of your friends' houses? umm....i'd say...all but...joel? i've been outside a million times, but never inside


1. Do you play with things when nervous? sometimes. usually i just drink water
2. Do you have an odd obsession with knives? nuh uh, but all my friends do. Jon always has a diving knife strapped to his leg. OH. i haven't been to his house.
3. Do you sleep with the door open or closed? closed. always.
4. Is there at least one sound you can't stand? the typical nails on chalk board
5. What is your worst habit? eating too much
8. Do you love most of your friends? i love all of my friends :D


1. Do you think abortions are horrible? no
2. Are you against or think gay marriage is bad? 'course not
3. Needles aren't so horrible? i don't mind needles. i just don't want to like...shoot up
4. You have plenty of secrets? i have a few


1. Have you ever fallen UP the stairs? quite a few times.
2. Have you ever had a nail fall off? my thumb...:( it's back to normal now, though
3. Have you ever slapped someone across the face? once. Chris in 8th grade. haha
4. Have you ever killed anyone? no...?
5. Worn the same clothes for a week straight? nuh uh


1. Do you enjoy drama? NO.
2. Have you ever gotten in a fist fight? no, but i punched keith morlean in the 3rd grade and he cried.
3. Who would you like to hit right now? no one
4. Is there any type of rumor going around about you? i really hope not


1. What is your salad dressing of choice? poppy seed or thousand island
2. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? umm...hmm...i like chilis a lot? i like La Vic's. i like BJs
3. What food could you eat every day and not get sick of it? that, i don't know.
4. What are your pizza toppings of choice? hawaiin. or bbq chicken
5. What do you like to put on your toast? butter and jam. i don't remember the last time i had toast


Number of contacts in your cell phone? 104
Number of contacts in your msn? like 61 i think. most of them are like...people i haven't talked to in years, that don't sign on cuz they don't use that log in anymore
What is your wallpaper on your computer? the default. i should change that.
How many televisions are in your house? hooked up, there are....4
Do you use a laptop or desktop? Laptop most of the time. i have a desktop, but i don't think i've used it since lke september


Are you right-handed or left-handed? right
Do you like your smile? yeah, except when you can see the crookedness because my gum is too low on the right side from that damn small tooth
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? nope
Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? smell? iono.
When was the last time you had a cavity? yeaaars ago
What is the heaviest item you lifted last? umm...probably the 64 inch TV
Have you ever been knocked unconscious? once


If you could, would you wanna know the day you were going to die? i don't know, honestly. i'd flip a coin
What color do you think looks best on you? red or brown
Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? probably
Have you ever saved someone's life? i don't think so
Has someone ever saved yours? my brother saved me from a fountain in Spain when i was little?


Would you walk naked down a public street for $100,000? dude, 100 grand? yea
Would you cut off one of your little fingers for $200,000? no.
Would you never blog again for $50,000? totally
Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000? nah.
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? nuh uh.
Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000? yeah i would. i don't watch that much. if you took away movies, i wouldn't


What is in your left pocket? five bucks
Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie? iono. maybe.
Do you sit or stand in the shower? ...stand...?
Could you live with roommates? yeah i can
How many pairs of flip flops do you own? like two
Last time you had a run-in with the cops? ummm...iono
What do you want to be when you grow up? movies :D


Last person you called? matt, he called me
Person you hugged? joel or michael


Number? 17, or nine
Colour? green and orange.
Season? winter


Missing someone? mhmm
Mood? :)
Listening to? Outside - The Early November
Watching? nothing
Worrying about? sociology


First place you went this morning? bathroom
What can you not wait to do? put up tree
What's the last movie you saw? i was watching Stealing Beauty, before that i think it was The Adventures of Robin Hood
Do you smile often? hella, apparently
Are you a friendly person? yeah
Now that the survey's done what are you going to do? clean my room
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