The Rules, always the Rules

Feb 27, 2006 01:44

The Rules:
1. Never walk into a situation you cant walk right back out of.
2. Do the right thing.
3. Never fear.
4. No addictions, save for self-imposed addictions.
5. Never surrender
6. Always bend to offer aid to a fallen crewmember.
7. Never stagnate.
8. Honor your word.
9. Stay to the shadows.
10. Nothing don’t mean nothing.

On more than one occasion I have written, posted, ranted, bitched, moaned, complained, and just pain babbled incessantly about some arbitrary thing that I simply call: “The Rules.”

Why does no one, and when I say no one, I mean not a single motherfucking person understands that there are Rules and they must be followed. The Rules must be followed so that I don’t become the person I once was. People have told me that no one else is following these apparently arbitrary Rules that I am so hell-bound and determined to stick to. They tell me this as if this is going to get me to abandon my Rules. To this I respond that it is because of that specific reason that I must follow these Rules all that much more carefully. It is when no one else is following the Rules that someone out there must, and I guess that someone has to be me.

I understand that by following these Rules I am limiting myself. I understand that by following these Rules I am missing out on somethings. I understand that by following these Rules so ardently I am making myself out to look and sound like a killjoy. I understand all of this and more on the molecular level, and yet I am still willing to follow these Rules unto my undoing. I know that I must do this because my Honor and the Rules are connected on many levels, and to break the Rules willingly is to tarnish my own honor willingly, this is quite obviously something I am not willing to do.

And even though I have explained this on more than one occasion people still just don’t get it. They don’t get that I have no desire to act like the lowest common denominator. They are for some reason unable to get the concept that acting like a foolish frat boy for the sake of acting like a foolish frat boy has one, no appeal for me and two, is or at least it should be down right nauseating to the general populace. As I have said it is because of these Rules that I have passed up more than one opportunity for no strings attached sex, or no strings attached advancement, and so on and so forth. And I have done these things because they would have gone against the rules.

I don’t know perhaps it is just me and I am really the last of a dieing breed but I have some deep and personal issues about getting something that I did not earn, especially when it should go to someone who is obviously more disserving and or qualified than I am. I also have an exceptionally deep problem with taking advantage of a woman when she is clearly not in her right state of mind. (Now then I know that all kinds of jokes could be made about women not having a right state of mind but all that aside.) I just cant bring myself to take advantage of a woman who is clearly not thinking straight (yes a number of jokes here as well) due to far too much drink, or raging emotions, or whatever else have you. And people that I thought were of a slightly higher than average moral fiber have asked me time and time again why did I pass up a sure thing, and the answer always comes back to the simple fact that there are Rules. And after every such occasion I shake my head a little and sigh because I know that they will never understand.

I don’t know why I am ranting about this. I know its not doing me any good and I know its not doing any of you who are reading this any good. I know that the people who need to read this the most will never see it. I know all of this because that’s just the way it goes. I know that David Hume would say that just because something has happened the same way the last one-hundred times is no indication that its going to happen the same way on the one hundredth and one time, but I guess we can just call this a hunch.

Any way I am tired now. I am going to go to sleep.

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