Kimberly came over today, and we walked to the mall in hopes of her getting a present for her mom. Apparently she had asked for velour pants, J.Lo-style (it's a shame you can't actually witness the rolling of my eyes right now), so we went to at least six different stores, only to find that they either did not have them in stock, they only had sizes that were too large, or they were too expensive. As far as I knew, velour pants were already out of style. Either way, Kimberly was not able to find what she was looking for. See, this is what happens when you hop onto the bandwagon too late! Let that be a lesson for you all.
I, on the other hand, had two $10 off coupons from Old Navy and JCPenney, so I got
the following shirts and purse:
And all for the grand total of $9.22! I was very pleased. It made up for the fact we were in line at JCPenney for 45 minutes because there were only two cashiers at work.
Afterwards we downloaded some music so that Kimberly could make a mix cd for her stepfather. Normally I get really into that sort of thing, but he likes that icky radio hard rock stuff, so there was a lot of Seether and Breaking Benjamin and the like, a.k.a. songs that all sounds sludgy and similar to one another. I couldn't delete that stuff off of my laptop fast enough after we finally burned the cd.