Looks like I'm not going to the Warped Tour this year. I'm not too disappointed; I'm not as big of a fan of that scene as I used to be. The only band I really wanted to see was Atmosphere because, come on, it's a rap group on the Warped Tour!
Went to the park today with Kaissi, Garbo, Garbo's cousin Margie, Edward, and Edward's little sister to play some tennis. Only it was more like pathetic-attempt-at-tennis. I brought the raquet that my dad bought me years ago when he had high hopes of me becoming a tennis sensation. Boy did I prove him wrong.
Anyhow, I really cannot stand Edward. He's so cocky and conceited. I was telling them that I received a C+ in AP government last term, and Edward went a great big tirade about "government is so easy, how can you get a bad grade in it?" Then later when we were sharing our stories about how we hated the AP English teacher and our less than stellar grades in her class, Edward pipes and says that he aced English. Shut up! Who cares if you passed all of your classes with flying colors! This personality flaw is the reason why you didn't have any friends in Florida! And you tell least funny jokes ever as well!
Of course I didn't say this to his face because it's my way to internalize everything, but we later ditched him to gorge ourselves with ice cream. We bought a half gallon of neopolitan and polished the whole thing in ten minutes. We're pigs.
It's based on the song "USA Nails" by the Blood Brothers. I'm disappointed that some of the text smudged, but what can you do.