this entire entry is a giant block of randomness

Sep 25, 2006 17:29

Text Twist doesn't accept 'booger' as a word, and yet 'goober' passes the test. I object! Although the six-letter word in the next puzzle was Cubism, so I suppose I could let that omission slide.

I watched the first part of Elizabeth I earlier, and I have the hots for Jeremy Irons now. Dancy who? I kid, I kid. But seriously, Leicester, guh.

Dude, four posts in a row on my flist about how to watch the Veronica Mars season premiere in Windows Media Player. I'm starting to think that everyone is a bit obsessive. Doo doo doo... leucocrystal posted some stills from the first few episodes of the season, and as I already mentioned to her, Veronica and I share the same closet.

I have this jacket in white, and I got it over a year ago. Booyah! And this isn't the first time, as you can see with the green vest incident. That means that we have the same clothes from both seasons two and three. Maybe I ought to re-watch the first season to see if we have any same clothing action there as well. That would be almost creepy if we did.

Note that it's not a spoiler, unless you don't want to be spoiled about her outfit?

I downloaded the second episode of Studio 60 (you lucky Canadians, you, who get it on Sundays!), and can I just say, I want Tom Jeter to be my boyfriend.

I seriously need to redo my Jim/Pam and Arrested Development mood themes. Some of the colors are so grotesque-looking. And they will be better quality this time around because there are DVD caps available! I'm getting all giddy and dorky just thinking about it.

studio 60, veronica mars

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