The Asylum Job

May 25, 2011 14:19

Crazy fangirls are crazy or


Asylum Europe 2 Convention Report

from Rise'n'Shine

I started the first draft of this report at 4 am in the morning, not so good.

So back to square one. It took me only one hour on the Autobahn to reach Mannheim which was a pleasant change compared to other conventions I've attended. When I reached the Dorint there were trucks everywhere because they were having a night marathon at Saturday, but I found the parkade fast.

There are several things that went bump
at that convention, but the highs clearly outweigh the lows.

First of all, the guest were great,funny and in a really good mood and both Jensen and Jared looked ridiculously gorgeous. Second, I met sooooo many wonderful fans - some I met before at other conventions, others just online and quite a few I met waiting in the queue! Third, there were quite a few special moments at this convention, that made everything worth it.
Fourth, did I mention that Jarend and Jensen were just gorgeous?

In no particular order: my special thanks go to Kej for being an awesome roomate, to Dolina for sharing the best story ever, to Jason Manns for an awesome concert and for being so honest, to Jensen for making my photo-op the best Jensen photo I have - so far, to Jared if he has already forgotten who asked him that weird question during his coffee lounge, to Krista for dancing Zumba with me, to Sandra, who shared her pizza, to Frau Sabrina Attanasio for supporting my Brezel project, to Fred Lehne who kissed me and to
all the fans I had the opportunity to talk to!

Bad things first, what really sucked big time, was the speed we had to do our photo-ops! No posing was allowed, which the security guy told everyone (again) right before the special moment, they reminded you to hurry up, shoved you forwards and I could feel that Jared and Jensen were told not to interact with the fans. I'm glad that my Jensen photo came out so well, even when I thought I messed it up big time right after I left the room and even though he was sitting. Kudos to Jensen, for making this happen!

Raffles are not fair. There's not a bit of equity to it. Especially if you're not told, how the system was supposed to work and if there's no decent way to get what your heart wants so dearly (which happens to be a Jensen coffee lounge). At the end and after spending way too much money, this JensenGirl won a Jared coffee lounge and since I love Jared almost as much as Mr. Ackles, I'm so happy I won (and spending the money was effin worth

The Coffee Lounge Job

We had to wait for Jared a few moments because there was an error on the timetable. When he joined us, he was so bouncy, openly and funny. He started to tell us how he stopped the trains in Amsterdam, but after we told him, that Richard already told the story in his panel, he tried to tell a shorter version. Of course it was still hilarious to actually see Jared re-enact how he pushed the button and how everyone reacted to it.
Jared was sitting with his back to the window, so his face was in the shades most of the time, but the fans next to me asked him questions, so he was facing me quite a lot. Then he started to lean back with his chair (not on the chair - with the chair) and I expected to see him crash backwards anytime. He answered some really great questions, that I totally can't recall and I'm willing to blame it all on Jared's swinging on his chair. So if you happen to be in that panel, please help an old lady with a memory like a sieve. I know that Krista asked him, if he ate a Döner in Germany (that's a popular Turkish sandwich in Germany) and explained that those in Germany are very different to the ones they have in
Canada - and that he should always ask for the spicy sauce, because Germans are wussies, to which I smiled and nodded, because when it comes to spicy food, I am. He was asked about the chances for Supernatural to go beyond season 7. He explained that the decision to keep the show has to be made by Warner and The CW, but that The CW as a network has the final word, even if Warner begs them desperately to renew it, they can still refuse. Dawn Ostroff , former CEO of The CW, wasn't a fan of Supernatural. He said that it looks
like she was urged to leave the network and that the new CEO is a big fan of the show. So it looks like we might be able to watch our favorite show for more than 7 seasons. Jared said that they were asked if they would be in for a season 8 and they agreed (don't think that they already talked about contracts here). Then I asked him if he hopes for a season 8. He answered, mostly yes but he doesn't want the show to become silly, however he trusts the writers so much that he's sure they won't let the show go there. At this point I should have shut my mouth and kept it shut. I didn't, because crazy fangirls are crazy. So I asked him, what episodes he would like the show to do, now that we've got our Western episode. Not a musical episode was his answer. I can't remember what he said next and why I still couldn't keep my mouth shut. Maybe he asked me what I would want to see and I happen to have a list of things, but all I came up with was the second most embarrassing thing on that list, which is cross-dressing. I added “at a con” - and Jared thought that I would like to see them wear women clothes at a convention. It took a bit to convince him, that this was the least of all things I wished for and that I thought about “as a con” - like in tricking people to believe you were someone else, like FBI agents - or nuns! The panel ended on this weird, funny and confusing question and the only excuse I have is,that I only prepared a question for Jensen about his directing that I couldn't ask Jared instead. (And where's that gag in your mouth when you need one?)

The Brezel Job

I like German food a lot,
but to me the best food here are Swabian Brezels (they differ from the Bavarian ones). So when I heard that Jensen and Jared would come to Mannheim and that Mannheim has a famous Brezel bakery and that exactly this
bakery delivers their products to the Dorint on a regular basis, I thought the guest so needed a few of those Brezels. To cut a long story short, on Saturday there were 50 fresh Brezels in the Green Room. Some staff members told me that the guests liked them, tried to
pronounce “Brezel” correctly and that Jared ate three of them. Mission accomplished!

The Poster Job

The whole thing started with a fan book project for Jensen. They asked to write down a few words about how
much we love Jensen as Dean Winchester, fan art was allowed too. So I made this poster for Jensen: here.
Of course I had to make one for Jared too.

My FB friends convinced me that I had to have them printed and that I needed to show them the posters at the convention. I was reluctant because of the size, but I'm so glad
I did. Jensen glanced at it quickly and when I offered him to send it to Vancouver, he said that it would be fine and that they always like to pin stuff at the walls of the studio. The next day I gave Jared his poster, he took a quick glance but insisted on keeping it. An hour later a breathless Dolina shared the story about what happened once I left the room and Jared had a little break. When she waited in
line for her autograph, Jared unrolled the poster, spotted the Justin Bieber pic and laughed out loud. Then he went to Jensen to show him the poster. Maybe at some point Jensen wished he would have kept his poster too, but I had no chance to offer it a second time. Yeah,crazy fangirls are crazy - and creative (sometimes). During their J2 panel they were asked what name they would choose for a new
monster species, Jared answered: Justin Biebers. ROFLMAO.

The Wine Job

I had a stash of three bottles of red wine from my hometown in the cellar that I brought to Mannheim. Last year Misha asked us to bring him some stuff from our hometown or from
the part of Germany we came from and I liked this idea very much. The first bottle I gave to Jensen. When I gave the second bottle to Jared I added the little information that I actually work in that vineyard. He answered that he envies me, but I had to tell him, that it's really hard work (especially since you're in the bright sun the whole time). The third bottle I gave to Jason on which we ended in a little
conversation about his trip with Jensen and Danneel to a winery near Freiburg (the owners being friends of Danneel's family). The funny thing is, that I don't drink wine or any other kind of beverage(don't like the taste) and I had to completely rely on my friends' and family's opinion which wine from here they like best.

I left out a whole bunch of stuff. If you've seen me taken photos of you, please check my  Facebook page. If you can't remember my real name, i'll shoot
tell you (but not in public) ;)

BTW, the line for Gen's autograph was impressively long!


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